Well got up in the loft and dug some old fast bikes mags out. They loved a Duke. 750ss group test. December 1991
New article - Egan, Peter (2018) 'The Affordable Ferrari' Cycle World, Issue 2 p?? https://www.cycleworld.com/1991-199...MSQ6nB2MeiflNFRYiijdixMDfQ0Nd85IbJJcEK5tvEWiY
wasn't sure where to post this but I'll try here, interesting view on the permanence of web content vs print media and the end of US Cycle World magazine. https://www.bikewriter.com/the-daily/2020/9/15/ill-miss-cycle-world-but-not-for-the-reason-you-think
you may know this already but I can recommend his books "Leanings", compilation of his published articles. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Leanings-Best-Peter-Cycle-World/dp/0760336571