Today I've Been Making Curries

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Robarano, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. After Mikes monkfish version I did the poor mans version of cod and spinach masala.
    I did cheat again. Sorry Rob.
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  2. I did Misty Ricardo's Mushroom Bhaji for lunch. :yum

    I just wanted something to take the edge off after being in the garden all day, only had 1/2 of it and the rest is going in the freezer. Again, very tasty.

    Tonight, I'm trying a new one from Misty Ricardo, Kashmir. Looks like a sweet one, but looking forward to trying it. :) :upyeah:

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  3. Looks great
  4. I’m hoping to use lamb left from Easter for a stonking curry next week

    meanwhile 5AFE3C00-21A9-4E30-8AA5-9732C5E645BD.jpeg
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  5. They featured that Jamie Oliver show on Gogglebox last week. Some of the stuff he was pulling out of his cupboards expecting to be available to most UK households was unbelieveable. :laughing:

    The beans on toast looks lovely btw. :yum
  6. Beans on toast (with cheese) or fish finger sandwich !
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  7. Lamb Passanda this evening. Lamb already pre cooked. :yum

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  8. Will give that a go hopefully can use some if the 2.5kg lamb I’m cooking tomorrow between 3 of us :(
  9. Bloody hell, that's about 4 full sheep. :eek:
  10. At least you will have some to freeze, even better then
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  11. That lead needs to straight down then across not the 45ish degrees you have IMHO,
  12. A one for @Exige ? :thinkingface: Makes a Phal seem like a chicken Korma. :cold_sweat:

  13. Born to kill. Classic. :joy:
  14. I started sweating when he was ladelling in those 4 spoons of Naga paste. :cold_sweat:
  15. I can't believe he sells 20 of those a week! :astonished:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. That's just loads of curry powder and paste and no freshly chopped Naga's - I bet it was fekkin' awful. Reminds me when me and a mate complained in our at the time local Curry House that the Phal we had the pervious week was mild - they put that much chilli power in the next one it was like eating sand :tired_face:
  17. Never piss off someone that cooks your food dude. :astonished:
  18. All too hot for me. :cold_sweat: Anything above a Madras I think is a waste of time as I just can't taste anything. :confused:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. We did it on purpose as a trial :blush:
  20. I used to like hot but now it's more about flavour.
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