Multi gone, never again .... Follow up

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Dave Multistrada 1200ST, May 9, 2013.

  1. All comments gratefully recieved and accepted thanks , Maybe I should not have hinted at all Ducatis being troublesome in my rant but unfortunately from my standpoint it aint looking good , the Multi is a Ducati made by Ducati and is id say one of their flagship motorcycles , also it will undoubtedley share many components and systems with other models in the range. I have a friend with 2 Ducatis a 748 and a 600SS both older bikes admittedly , the 600ss developed a major oil leak soon after warranty expired and it was a engine out job to fix , cost him dear , he admits many a niggle with both bikes on the electrical front and also disconnects the battery on either after a ride as the batterys will be flat in no time , I befriended a new Panigale owner while up north that bought from the same selling dealer as myself , before the first service it had cut out a couple times and he was irate that also paint was lifting from a seam on the tank and was heading back to the dealer for a rant , I moved back to Somerset and never heard the outcome

    I worked for Riders of Bridgwater from 82-89 in their pre Ducati days dealing with Kawasaki and Harley , I do not honestly recall any new or newish bike meteing out as much misery as my new Multi has , there were camshaft issues with GPZ 900s which were replaced under warranty and never caused a bike to be off the road anyway , also a spate of gearbox issues with Harleys that were fixed pretty sharpish , I do remember a couple of blown Kawasaki motors , both had been raced in club racing , a friend had a gearbox burst on a Z1000J that was 3 years old but had spent most of its life doing a 12 0 clock wheelie

    In the response to my rant we have one guy that has had as much trouble as me , a few others admitting problems yet happy to endure as the bike is great in other respects , we have a guy of the road for nearly 5 months now due to lack of new cylinder heads , this alone in my opinion is a unforgivable failing in Ducatis back up , Also does nothing to make me retract or apologise for anything ive said

    I dont buy the one off Lemon or Friday afternoon theory as bikes and cars these days due to modern production techniques tend to share the same issues or faults in large production runs , obviously the frequency and extent of a problem can vary in degrees of severity due to milage , weather exposure,owner abuse , dealer back up etc .

    Overall I stand by what I say , It is purely my opinion based upon my own miserable Ducati experiences and my rather limited observations of a couple other Ducati owners , I was the only one of 30 ish riders on charity bike runs that spluttered to halt on several occasions while others roared ahead apart from the GS outriders that stopped too assist me ! and belive me that experience is wholly embarrasing while astride my 15 plus grand game changing MCN machine of the year , Im sorry, but it was a crock of shite and i,ll never have another or any Ducati for that matter , I,ll be off soon and I will shut the door behind me!
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  2. Another thread? Dave just go.........:eek:
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  3. And hopefully now it's goodnight from him.!.
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  4. Matt will be along to merge the threads soon.

    Brian (he changed his name from Dave, remember) has said why he distrusts the Ducati brand and based upon his experiences, I hardly blame him. That said, I've had pretty good service from the two Ducs I own, allowing for a serious warranty claim early on with the 999, so there you go.

    Fair play for speaking up and good luck on your cough*bland*cough new bike in the future!
    (I'm kidding, I'm sure your next bike will be fun)
  5. I bet I could go the forums of all the other major manufacturers and find threads just like Brians........
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  6. I don't doubt that for a minute. The odds are that some unlucky punter somewhere on the planet is going to have problems with every bike he owns, regardless of brand.
  7. Just bought a nice Black MTS1200 ST from a bloke called Brian (or was it Dave) down south says he has never had a bit of trouble with it :)
    seemed genuine enough to me
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  8. Lmao!!
  9. Its not unique to Ducati and its not all bikes. I have been broken down on two new Jap bikes, and one not so new (srad 750 with only 8k miles). My 22 thousand mile 330d has an ABS problem and two internal trim issues. I don't moan like fcuk on the BM forum about it. Buy something else and get over it.
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  10. He sounds like he could find fault with anything, sure Ducs can be a pain, but jebus, its a small price to pay for italian loveliness in imho!
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  11. As has been said already, IMHO well done for speaking up.

    Personally, I have had no problems with my Multi in the 2000 miles that I have owned it, but I am definitely starting to think that Ducati quality control is not the best. There was a recent Discovery channel program about building the Multi at the Ducati factory and it showed it is hand built by different people so don't discard the Friday afternoon theory, all the guys/galls can't all be the best, 1 in 10 will be in the bottom 10% and if that was the guy that built your bike :eek: you will have more problems than one that was built by someone in the top 10%

    Would love to know where it is now :tongue: Will serve them right for buying a black one obviously.
    #11 DonaldDuc, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
  12. Jesus wept - we already know and respect your views - now feck off

    Ah, the life of Brian.
  13. At least Ducati have coughed to most of the issues encountered straight off, as far I'm aware. BMW spent many months denying the EWS and fuel pump issues even existed (and I have those in writing :eek: )
  14. So i bet sales of Multistradas in his area drop like flies this next month, lol as no-one will want to 'accidently' buy his lemon.:biggrin:
    Any idea what next bike the OP is looking to buy? He was joking about the FZ1......wasn't he???
  15. Just to give this some ballance, since 96 I've owned:

    600ss 3 years, no faults,
    900ssie 3 years blew indicator fuses once , corrosion in switch housing,
    749 mono 2003 to present, water in front stick coil, replaced with 06 stick coil, sub frame cracked, replaced as good will at cost by Ducati after 9 years of ownership.
    Just purchased a 2006 multi 1000 SDS so time will tell.

    Baines Racing do the servicing and I've ridden in all weathers, so perhaps Dave (Brian) has been unlucky. May be the 80/20 rule applies, in this case 20% of the owners experience 80% of the problems. Duke
  16. Dj Dave fair play to you for voicing your opinion. That's what makes the world such a wonderful place. One mans shit is another mans pleasure. I'm sure what ever you move on to will make you happy. I love my duke and don't think I would part with it. Hope all works out well for you bud.
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  17. The OP wasnt joking about the FZ1 , Had the early steel framed version bought new in 2001 , later had the FZ6 bought new in 2006 , was a bit small so then bought a 18 month old FZ1N in 2008 , had a collapsed wheel bearing on the first FZ and zero other probs , the following 2 FZs zero probs , nothing , zilch, never missed a beat , never failed to start even with a 3 year old battery in the winter of 2010
  18. you're getting tedious now........... 'night
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  19. OK so you bought a shite bike. It happens.

    Now what do you want us to do about it? Sell all our Ducatis out of sympathy?

    As for generalising about an entire brand on the basis of one bike's ownership.... God's teeth.

    I am sorry for your experience. I'm not overly surprised at your bitterness. Yes you are wise to get shot of a troublesome bike. Yes those things should not have happened on a 15 grand motorbike. But I can't see what harping on about it is supposed to achieve, unless you feel some evangelising need to make us all aware of the error of our ways and all the problems that must inevitably lie in store for us.

    You're not a JW, are you?
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  20. Have you put it up for sale in the "Classifieds" section? :smile:
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