996 Just Bought A 996 Pics And Questions!

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by drumm23, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. Sorry guys - busy day with work yesterday so just catching up on all the new advice today! Thank you all for the help - I really do appreciate it :upyeah:

    I popped off the other (non battery) fairing this morning to have a poke ... to be honest I think screwing around with the sparks plugs might not be within my capabilities, particularly as I currently have very few tools (will need to address this post lockdown!). Anyway, when I was poking I had another blow into the fuel breather hose ... and I realised why it was so easy to blow through... it's not actually attached to anything! You can see it in the next picture :eek:


    Is attaching this relatively easy?

    {BTW I've ordered a Haynes manual so I won't have to hassle you all quite so much in the future (hopefully!).}
  2. It doesn't attach - it goes to drain :):upyeah:
  3. Here's another general photo I took of the LHS just in case anything jumps out at anybody...

    Is the "pick up connector" somewhere here?

  4. Neither end appears to be connected to anything though?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. One end should connect to the breather on the bottom of the fuel pump under the tank. 93.jpeg to the free end of the plastic y piece.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Connects under the petrol tank and other end goes in a hole in the bottom of the fairing


    I was just taking a photo from the service book and Birdie has already got there :)
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  7. Perfect! Thanks lads!

    Is it a big job to lift the tank?
  8. Bet the tank breathers are blocked still.
    Bike still looks nice and clean.
    Got the battery on charge I hope after all that cranking?
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  9. Easy job. Plenty online help per above. Be very, very careful if you disconnect the two fuel lines as they are easily broken at the connectors.
  10. The end circled on the right connects to the underside of the tank, near the fuel lines. The other pokes through a hole in the left hand fairing.

    If you hear the pump prime then that rules out the 2 big relays under the seat, the sidestand relay, and the sidestand switch.
  11. One bolt at the rear of the tank, lift gently and prop with something 3 or 4 in thick while you disconnect the fuel lines, they should be quick releice, squeeze the metal tab to releice and pull and twist the connector.
    In the picture in my earlier post you can see the metal clips that have to be squeezed.
  12. Oh :worried:
  13. Brilliant, thanks lads; will attack now and update later with progress (or lack of) o_O:grinning:
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  14. On the fuel lines after pushing in the release tabs pull gently STRAIGHT down in line with the male pat attached to the tank. Best viewed from under the tank on the right hand side first - you will see what we mean.
  15. I put a jubilee clip around the same breather on mine, didn't need to take the tank off completely to get to it just propped it up a little, and was careful not put and strain on the main plugs into the tank
  16. Got it lifted and attached the tube pretty easily. I didn't take off the main fuel lines ... but they look ok to me..?
    This is before I reattached the drain line.


    It all looked very clean and neat tbh...
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  17. Just making sure the charge is 100% before I try to fire her up again o_O:motorcycleduc:

    It's great how easy these bikes are to work on. When I get a tool kit I'll be able to do plenty of maintenance /damage :laughing:
  18. Although you have fitted the drain tube, it alone won't make any difference to the starting issue.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. The white one looks like it is new and recently fitted. Might suggest that the tank has been off in the near past.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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