yes, i am this bored!!! anyhu, i gots to thinking about songs i secretly like that aint so cool... the first i remember was probably islands in the stream (dolly parton /kenny rogers) you could not like that song and be a hard man at school... im a barbie girl also got my toes tapping but would have seen me killed if anyone noticed... what you got?
lol.. you sick fuck... whats ya favorite? come on , it will be therapeutic.. you a waterloo man or what?
Biology, by Girls Aloud. It is a great song with interesting composition, with some amusing lyrics and lively energy. McCartney-esque. Don't @ me
I love ABBA. but only on the car radio. when i'm alone. one of the shows I listen to in the evening, driving home plays them a lot. a bit of bee gees, Dusty Springfield. dolly parton, lulu. a ot of that "wall of sound" stuff. I wonder what folks think when they see me making shapes on an evening in me old panda
dude!!!! guilty as charged. that song is shit.... i can see the attraction though.. is that the same crew that do the push the button song? link that, i like that one....
This a great but very odd track I've always liked, with just three words in the lyric. Hope you do too!
Barbie Girl for me to too 2 tow tw0 an all - my first ever single when I was a wee nipper was My Ding a Ling - Chuck Berry
oh god.. ive just remembered something.. when i was about 8 a teacher asked us to bring out favorite recorcord to school and we spent the afternoon playing em.. i brought "rhinestone cowboy"
Shut it. Push The Button was Sugababes - some of their songs are great too (not Push The Button though, that one's pants).
I only normally like rock music but I've always liked this track for some reason. I do worry about myself sometimes!
you have us all wondering dude. but thats what its all about! good shot... does the girl in the vid really have blue eyes?
i also liked adam and the ants when i was at school. turned out they were not as punk as i thought they were... still, at least i didnt like gary glitter .