Sweet eh , I heard an interview on Johnny Walkers show with Sweet lead guitarist, they actually wanted to be taken as a serious rock band but their agent and label wanted the sound and look you remember them for. This was as far as Rock he reckon they got.
Definitely my guilty pleasure too. Thought they made some great pop songs & my daughter grew up with them. Even took her to see them for her first gig back in the day...& then there’s Cheryl...Lord almighty!
I don’t mind and take no issue with it plus I think Rita wasn’t/isn’t exploited by it. Her body her choice.
agree, from memory they had to plead with her to stop de-robing as they reckoned it was affecting her image (according to her P.R. at the time).
interesting to be reminded how much of an overlap their songs and material had with Slade, makes you wonder if they shared writers etc. I read some more trivia today from Wiki about lead singer Brian Connolley, how he seriously damaged his throat in a punch-up in Staines high street back in the day, affected his range permanently apparently. I knew he was fairly local.
If I started listing all of my guilty pleasures (music ) I would be here all day. I’ll settle with a few of my most recent - 1 - all of the songs from the first chapter of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs 2 - various Taylor Swift tracks - this intro was my favourite demo track when I got my new Audi - I don’t look to the side at traffic lights - I don’t want to see people judging me! 3 - Finally the latest ear-worm - my 18 year old nephew was very harsh in his judgement of me on this one!
As a link to both Sweet and Slade My Sons guitar tutor in a band that shares the same agent with Sweet and my partner dated someone who’s Sister dated Noddy. Noddy came round for a family get together, my partner reckons he’s one of the most boring blokes she’s met.
They were are to me but he wanted a more edgy sound and less spangly attire, I think he wanted to be counted along side Rock bands not Glam rock bands. You know they still tour occasionally?
Yes they've been on at our local venue here in Holmfirth a few times. In fact they are scheduled to play here again on 13th December 2020 if ever this lockdown is lifted