What Helmet

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by ojobear, May 10, 2013.

  1. Ok guys, pick up my 3rd Multi1200 next week and it would appear that although better the new screen is not the end of all the ongoing noise problems. I have become more convinced that the helmet is the key to this so any pointers will be greatly appreciated. Very interested in the Shoei GT Tour and the Shuberth C3 but would consider any recommendation. Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. i can easily recommend this -great helmet!
    got one with my Multi, I chose the Air Jorney though for the design.
  3. I have a schuberth c3 and find it ok, I have the Ducati touring screen and aztec's spacers fitted. I can have the visor up and ride at 55-60mph ok, on long runs I do use ear plugs but I don't seem to get a lot of buffeting. Hope this helps.
  4. I have the Schuberth C3 Pro with integrated bluetooth collar, absolutely love it
  5. Another vote for the C3 here.
  6. I have the C3 and it's good, it's my first flip front and it will take something pretty special to make me have a non flip front design from now on. Because you lift the front up to take it off, it fits much closer around your neck so that should make it quieter (to my mind), you don't have to remove it in filling stations etc, and it has a built in sun visor which I like.

    I think you if you try them on, you will find one fits you better than the other because Shoei and Schuberth have different helmet sizes, one does odd numbers and the other does even (in cm), bit like John Lewis and M&S inside legs.
  7. Have you tried one that fits your head, looks good and you can afford? Works for me :wink:
  8. EAR PLUGS! Once you go there, there just is no going back to riding without... :upyeah:

    On the + side, gives you freedom to choose pretty much any helmet that fits, looks good & you can afford. I have used ear plugs while riding for 10 years, owned about 10 helmets during that period = All nice & silent! :tongue:
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Shoei NeoTech here. I have the MultiTech as well and the Hornet DS. NeoTech is good, the Hornet is a nightmare with a higher screen fitted.
  10. Shoei GT Air cheaper on eBay (red and black design goes well with a red Multi) with self-moulded R&G earplugs (less than £30) is the way to go.
  11. Shoei GT-AIR Journey TC2

    Received my new Shoei GT-AIR Journey TC2 on Friday....well tested yesterday on a 300 mile round trip in temps up to 30 degrees! - glad I went for the White version, so do like the Black (see below) but hot enough in those temps without making it worse with a black lid!!

    Verses my Shoei Qwest
    # Quieter.....not a huge difference but better all the same

    # 'Aerodynamics' - a noticeable difference at speed....don't need quite such strong neck muscles with the sport/shorty screen on the bike :D

    # Ventilation - better than the Qwest (dispite less airflow the Qwest annoyingly let small 'bugs' in [still alive!] through the vents!)

    # Fit - really nice, best/most comfortable fitting helmet (many Shoei's) I've had...
    NB: some people/reviews mention that they thought the shell sizes to be smaller i.e. a size above your usual needed - not so for me, same size as my Qwest ;-)

    Bonus likes:
    # Sun visor
    # Looks great :D

    PRICES (Uk anyway) - look online and everywhere shows the same price (a stipulation by Shoei?)
    I made a few phone calls and got a good deal at JustHelmets - if you're after a new lid speak to Pete to get yourself a DISCOUNT CODE ;)

    On Shoei helmets he was able to give 10% discount
    Motorcycle Helmets | Just Motorcycle Helmets | Motorcycles | Schuberth | Viper | Scorpion
    .....and there's "Price Promise"
    Contact Us


    .....does look even better, imho anyway, in black but as I said above, in this hot weather glad I didn't succumb!

  12. I am very happy with my Schubert SR1 since 2 years - it's a sport helmet and won currently a test between high class sport helmets in the largest german motorbike magazine.
  13. Shoei GT Air...in white. The best helmet ever, IMHO.
  14. Oh and the combination of a white helmet and the led headlights on the 2013 bikes, means cars get out of the way when they see you appearing in their mirrors. :biggrin:
  15. I'm looking to change my helmet as well my short list is

    The Shoei GT Air or Shark Evoline Series 3

    I believe the Shark is the only one that can legally be worn while riding with the chin piece flipped back.

    I do need to try them both first though.
  16. Hi,

    I had been looking at C3 for a while but ended up with a white BMW system 6. Now with BMW sticker removed and a Ducati soon to be added. I believe it was designed but Schuberth for BMW.
    This fits me better than the C3 and was around the same price.

    Worth a look.
  17. I've had a GT Air for a few months and think it's probably the best lid I've bought (and I've been through a fair few).

    Works fine on my MTS with shorty screen, although I wouldn't want to spend too long at 3 figures on a private road of course.

    You've chosen the same colour scheme as I have - what will we do if we're on the same ride-out (Oh yeah, I just remembered, it's only Girls who care about turning up in the same outfit - Phew!) :biggrin:
  18. lol.........I bet I polish my helmet more often than you though! :cool:

    How's things?... long time no speak - we must get another Popham meet/rideout sorted soon!
  19. My thoughts on the Black helmet issue (no seriously): I recently covered 2,600 in sweltering temperatures in France over a two-week period and didn't find the black Shoei GT a problem. The ventilation is really good, comfort top class and aerodynamics the best of any helmet I have owned.

    Plus the black and red design could have been made for 2013's MTS. All together I'm well satisfied that I probably have the best helmet in the world to go with "the best bike in the world".
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Yeah - I wanted to make the last one up there but was already booked elsewhere - maybe next time...
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