Bouncing Baby Boris

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Robarano, Apr 29, 2020.

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  1. Did he disregard the advice of his own advisors and go around shaking hands with CV19 patients? Was that wise? If the NHS saved his life then it was in spite of his government, not because of it. If the NHS delivered his child then it is in spite of his government, not because of it.

    When he was absent from work because of illness he left a vacuum where a succession plan should have been, and Raab couldn't deputise as effectively as if there had have been a contingency / succession plan. That led directly to criticism of the government and indicates the level of professionalism inside of government.

    I am still not seeing what I should be celebrating here. There is a deficit of competency in government that needs calling out and the media is not willing or able to provide it... we're lost politically and, as our handling of CV19 as a nation very visibly demonstrates, we are suffering from this. The NHS is partially running on goodwill and charity right now, and that is the accountability of government.

    If you're happy and not angry then I think you need to consider the bigger picture.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  2. did you do biology at school, most humans take 9 months in pregnancy. I doubt he had a mystic telling him last july, hold on fella, don't spurt, there is a pandemic coming in 5 months?

    Your flogging a dead political horse in a thread that was meant to be congratulatory and not political and now you're suggesting he should have seen a pandemic coming 5 months before it did, just to ruin a baby thread?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Them :bucktooth:
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  4. So you're telling me that he wasn't preparing for an election and leadership 9 months ago? That it was the right time to decide to start a family? We can't know whether the pregnancy was planned, but if it was then the timing shows a lack of good judgement and priority and if it wasn't then the timing shows a lack of good judgement and priority.

    How am I flogging a dead political horse? The man who you're knitting booties for has just fumbled and bungled his way into mishandling a pandemic. Look at New Zealand and their management of the same pandemic. They're an island-nation too! As a nation we have suffered in the last few weeks from poor leadership delivering inconsistent guidance with the result that our CV19 story is horrifying. The leader of the government is the man I'm criticising and not for his policy or party but for his very evident personal failings.

    If you want to put this out there as a "good news" story then that's your choice. I don't see this as something that is going to improve his performance as a Prime Minister, quite the opposite.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. There is absolutley no need to shut this thread down. I posted as a congratualtions on the birth of a new child to our Prime Minister and differs not one iota form other items of daily news on here.

    People just need to leave to politics at the door. If you want to like it or comment on our Prime Minister's new child then great. If you don't, then don't comment at all and move on.
    #45 Robarano, Apr 29, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. No, I am telling you, whilst you have convinced yourself you are not a political animal, you are and even to the point of seeking to ruin a thread wishing someone who nearly died, congratulations on his new born son.

    Had the promise to remove such events have happened, some posts would have been removed by now
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  7. Considering what pressures and problems these two have had to get through, I really wish them all the best!

    Very disappointing that people want to populate this post with dislike and negativity....
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Love You Love You x 2
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  8. If it becomes abusive/trolling/breaks forum rules then there is absolutely every need to shut it down and ban those that caused it to be so.

    Let's leave politics out of it. If you want to leave congratulations then do so. If not then dont.
  9. Quite rightly so.

    The great thing about difference of opinion is debate. I've learned very little from those who agree with me, and much from those who dispute my views and values and I respect the right of others to disagree with anything or everything I say. So thank you to @Robarano @noobie @Exige et all for debating, I live in hope of going to bed tonight knowing more than I did when I woke up. :)

    If people on the forum feel better about today because Boris and his girlfriend had their baby, well if that gets them through the day then that's their business.
  10. The difference is, there are plenty of political threads you could have voiced the exact same bile into, but you chose this one and despite the promise some posts would be removed, they weren't because the usual candidates sought to close the thread down
  11. @Fire3500 I didn't post this in the Speaker's Corner section of the forum, I posted it in the Lounge as a congratulations.

    If you want to discuss Boris Johnson politically, why not start a thread in the relevant section and leave this thread for what it was intended.
  12. Only congratulations is in order for these two souls,now Boris keep your penis in your pants and let's hope the kid is a wizard & can fix the bloody economy by the age of three.
  13. Why is this on the front page ? just wasted 5 mins of my life
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. That's lockdown for you.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Who has said some posts would be removed?
  16. Well, I don't wish the Prime Minister well. I wish that the Prime Minister would do the job he clamoured for, and do it with honesty and integrity and in service of the country. I wish that he would set a better example than he does. I wish that his shambolic personal life wasn't presented as a catalyst for national unity, and I wish that the situation was seen for what it is rather than through some rose-tinted lenses. That's not bile, it's well-reasoned dislike.

    This man has no regard for me, for you, for your kids or my kids or for any of us. We are crosses in boxes on election day and a revenue stream from taxation, or a cost to be grudgingly borne. I doubt he has a Ducati or reads the forum, so I doubt he'll receive the good wishes on his happy day. We don't know how many brothers and sisters the little tyke has and Boris isn't saying, we don't know which of them will welcome their new sibling and which will resent it as an enduring reminder of their father's infidelities...

    But as I say, thanks for the debate. You're welcome to present me with anything that can change my views of the man, but he's just not someone worthy of admiration, and his siring of children is no novelty.

    I note that nobody can turn around and say he isn't a narcissist, he doesn't lie, he doesn't cheat, he has been candid about the children he's fathered and that he delivers on his promises... or even point to some amazing success he's personally responsible for. He's a charismatic celebrity but a crap politician.

    You're defending the indefensible mate, I wish you well with it. :)
    • Dislike Dislike x 4
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. It would be nice if people who dislike posts, because they detract from a thread, respond to the objectionable post elsewhere. Perhaps the Off-topic Replies thread, given that they are responding to an off-topic post.

    Congratz to Carrie Symonds. She deserves every happiness, I reckon.
  18. I'm not discussing him politically, I was focusing mostly on his personal failings as a man and why he's unworthy of congratulations. You should have clearly marked it "only reply if you agree".

    If you like him, fair dos... not sure what there is to like but enjoy it. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1

  19. Sounds like she's commentating on a school fight that gonna happen at 4PM lmao
  20. Your no love of the tories or brexit is well known and you are entitled to have that, as a member. As an admin you have shown incredible bias on many occasions.

    Even now instead of dealing with the individual that keeps trying to ruin a thread in the LOUNGE section, i.e. fire, you seek to shut an entire thread down because it's not one you support.

    This has happened on quite a few occasions and I wonder if it is time to seek some kind of balance within the forum with a second admin?

    What started out as a simple congratulatory thread in THE LOUNGE section, has instead turned into fire running riot and you threatening to shut the thread down and not for the first time.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
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