Bouncing Baby Boris

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Robarano, Apr 29, 2020.

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  1. I can't follow the off topic thread as it's off topic.:)

    Back at work tomorrow yeah and I found £500 stashed away in a draw, must be mine Mrs would have spent it.

    Sorry of topic :(
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  2. Dude, you're just lashing out... attacking @El Toro isn't very reasonable TBH.

    How have I sought to shut a thread down? Is there a rule that says you can't disagree with something posted in the lounge and explain why? How have I "run riot" or been abusive or trolling? You're projecting a bit, boy.

    Welcome to click the "ignore" button if you object to me or what I've posted. It's there to be used and might save you some sadness and upset? :)
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  3. Jobs yours Shaun. You spend more time on here than me anyway.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  4. She might have watched the conception, non of which is any of my concern.
    Hmm I'm not sure it does, I used to have a mate back in the Eighties who's Father was Left leaning was always wishing Thatcher dead, used to hand out badges with slogans like confetti with "lets bomb thatcher'. When the IRA bombed Brighton he was ecstatic.

    I don't recall any known to me Tories with T shirts or badges emblazoned with 'lets bomb Foot' (Insert any Labour figure head). I call it as I see it that's what I see.

    As I said I don't particularly like him but until such time as Labour become a party worth voting for any election will be won by the Tories. The best Labour could hope for is a Lab/Lib coalition and from memory that didn't happen the last time it could have done.
  5. Is that that bloke out of Pesky Blinders , you know the one Tom Hardy plays?
  6. Ps. As I have said many times before up until this last government I have voted Conservative all my life. And yes I disagreed with Brexit but got over it.

    However you have not. You use EVERY opportunity to have a dig at everyone and everything that you do not agree with, but you're clever enough to stop just before you cross the line. Very clever indeed. Now in future if I see anything from you that is any which which trolling, (including trolling me in any which way), which you are very good at btw, I will ban you. Permanently.
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  7. Pps. This thread is closed.
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