Adding A Circuit To The Fuse Box

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Irogerh, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. I want to use a spare fuse in the fuse box to add a rear camera which I currently have connected directly to the battery. Problem is, I cant get the terminal out of the fuse box in order to connect wires to it. I think the terminal type is an “MTA Teminal Uni F630” which has no obvious way of releasing from the fuse block unlike many other terminal types which have a small flange which can be bent out of the way to release. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, this is a great forum!
  2. The connectors appear to have a lug on each side.
    With the crimped side facing you there will be a retaining catch on the fuse holder that needs lifting to release the connector. A small flat blade screwdriver should work if you don’t have any terminal release tools.

  3. I've done it on my 600SS. I used a terminal release tool from Ebay to do it and it took ages but the first one is the hardest. There is one tang that needs to be pushed back and the clip passes out of the back of the fuse holder.
  4. Thanks guys , but still struggling. Chrisw, the picture you showed has a central piece around the prongs which isn’t on my terminals, I think mine look like this..
    Dan.... do you recall what type of tool you used? Was a a double pronged tool and did it insert from the fuse side? inwas wondering if using two thin screwdrivers either side of the prongs at the fuse side might work
    Any help appreciated.
  5. I use a denali powerhub 2, with mini fuses for devices.

    The downside is its quite large but as stated, the fuse part can be set to two positions if box installed following instructions. Meaning the heavy draw items can be set to work only when bike is running.
    #5 GunZenBomZ, May 1, 2020
    Last edited: May 1, 2020
  6. Look on Ebay for a terminal release tool. They come in a set, l used the single flat prong. Detach the fuse box from the bike, push the tool in from the front and pull the wire from behind.

    Screw drivers will be too big to depress the tang without damaging the fuse holder
  7. Still has the two retention lugs either side. There will be a drop down catch inside the fuse box aperture for the connector. When pushed in the lugs raise the catch and it then drops in behind them locking the connector in place. You need to raise the catch and the connector will then pull out.
  8. Here is a photo of the tool I used. After the first terminal came out of the fuse holder I marked the prong so I knew it had gone in far enough to depress the tang. Chrisw may well be right about there being 2 retention lugs but I found this worked for me. DSC_0344.JPG
  9. Thanks for all your help.... thought I would report back.
    The clue was the tool you showed me DanSS600 and that it was a single blade. I figured that there therefore had to be a single tang and persevered with a thin blade on the underside (as I guessed that should be the only place a single tang could be) with eventual success as there is in fact a single locking tang on the underside of of the terminal as shown in the second pic. Turns out there are no locking tangs on the top side as the first picture shows.

    Thanks once again for all responses.
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