Bike In Garage Security.

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Paul55, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. Got a bike or two in the garage. Got a movement sensitive camera with network alert and video.

    Anyone found an effective way of making it difficult for the bad guys to load my bikes into their van?
  2. The more heavy metal, the better. :thinkingface:

    Not AC/DC, although that would keep me away. o_O
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  3. Get a proper chain and ground anchor.

    something like Almax or pragmasis !
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  4. Almax or pragmasis chain and ground anchor will sort you out, buy a long chain and weave through frame or use axle pin
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  5. Lol
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  6. I think I’ve got a hardly used Almax somewhere I might consider selling

  7. Is there only me that doesn't lock bikes up in the garage lol. The keys are in there too, albeit not in the ignition :)

    It is part of the house mind and if I am out it's alarmed with the house.

    It's a big enough ballache shifting two cars off the drive to get a bike out now, if I had to start unchaining and looking for keys as well - I'd never go out :D ....not that I can go anywhere at the mo anyway :(
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  8. I have a massive chain that I could use, but while there are cars in front of the garage I only use Roadlok disc locks (and BikeTrac).
  9. I have PIR floodlights front and back. It has been said it's like walking on stage at the London Palladium when it gets dark, as they light up when anyone gets within 10 metres of the house :D
  10. I don't need to bother either - residing in the back of beyond has its advantages :D
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  11. Nothing beats a good Dog.
    As sensitive as any alarm. Thieves fear them, kids, wives, and you love them...
    They protect everything and everyone. No matter where you or your loved ones are with them...
    At night. They bark, you shoot. everyone sleeps well. Welcome to America!


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  12. So you need many deterrents, as they all add up....

    PIR lights as mentioned, very loud alarm, link it to the police immediately upon activation - that’s roughly £400 a year.

    Ground chains, anchors, hidden crowbars for legs only.....

    I have covert cameras as well, to record up and down the street, as well as the driveway and garage.....
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  13. and Lincolnshire. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 4
  14. What size?
  15. Lincolnshire? Second largest I think, but a lot depends on how you're packaging "Yorkshire".
    • Funny Funny x 3
  16. I made a device that fires a blank 12 gauge cartridge if anyone walks up at drive at night..........

    .......but I keep forgetting it is set and scare the shit out of myself each time I accidentally trip the damn thing...... our vicious sounding dog is frightened of fireworks and shooting, so he buggers off as soon as he hears it.

    Luckily the workshop is wired in with the house alarm; plus I have a ground anchor; disc-lock and heavy chain.....that's on top of the factory alarm which goes off when the bike is moved.
  17. First thing first secure the outside up & over door with a good lock or two.
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  18. Ha! Know what you’re getting at but it’d be an interesting conversation with your insurance company if you admitted the keys were in the garage with the bikes at the time o_O
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  19. ^ This.....
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