My man cave has started

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by mentalist, May 12, 2013.

  1. Decided after 20+ years of not making use of my cellar, it was time for a project.
    Couple of bikes going down there, 9' slate bed snooker table, bar, sofa and TV.

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    • Like Like x 1
  2. Ooh me likey
  3. Very nice, but how do you get the bikes up and down?
  4. That's just what I was going to ask!
  5. Two pedestals going in for the bikes, a modular staircase (not where it is now),
    I Will be able to get the bikes in and out, but once down there, I've no plans on taking them out to ride. (sad I know)
    One is an original foggy rep and the other an RD350 ypvsF1 with only 800 miles from new, both bought as long term investments.
    • Like Like x 5
  6. Watch the snooker balls and cues on the bikes - fab project! :biggrin:
  7. Nice nice nice
  8. Very nice!
  9. I too have an old cellar that I thought about turning into a workshop but couldn't get past the difficulty of getting the project bikes back out again... I need a lift!
  10. Looking good
  11. I contemplated making it into a workshop, would have been great, but always wanted a snooker table in the cellar, so sports room theme with some nice ornaments!!!

    You could always rig up a chain block to get them in or out, or even just partially strip them and carry them out.??

    I've had four weeks away from the project now and i'm due home end of this week, so tanking and sealing the walls and floor next.
    Then ceiling off to replace the joists and lower the slate bed down, that should be fun at 500kg's

    The walls are going to be insulated and central heating going down there too. There is a drain in the cellar so fitting a downstairs toilet and sink. (will be needed with the bar going down there):biggrin:
  12. I did look at a block but the joists wouldn't take the weight (300 year old listed building) so had to rule it out.

    I like the idea of keeping a couple of show bikes in the cellar though. Nice work man!
  13. anyone remember pics of an rc30 being lowered from a 2nd floor flat,i think it may have been mat oxleys?
  14. nice touch with the beer bottle :upyeah:
  15. :upyeah: i'm the sod that has to have everything done...
  16. Surely the bikes weigh no more than a fat bloke standing on top?
  17. completed all the tanking of the walls whilst i was at home, removed all the old plumbing and rads. waiting for the joiners now to replace the joists and make stairs.
    Sorry no pics, back at work now too.
    Oh and picked up my new hyperstrada last Friday ;-).
  18. If the building wont support the weight of a lift hanging from above why not design something to raise upwards from the solid floor.

    Cool cave though
  19. And to think I was happy to have finally painted the shed:frown:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Still waiting for the shed warming party
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