Hartside And The Police

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducv2, May 3, 2020.

  1. Bizzie lol
  2. Ex bizzie ... never ceases to amaze me how fooking thick the public are..
  3. I agree. Imagine them not having the intelligence to realise that plod would be sat in waiting at a biker hot spot, with a stack of fines ready to go.

    Amazing, absolutley amazing. :upyeah:
  4. Perhaps we should start a new thread
    Some people are so thick....
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Proper policing, that. Pukka.

    Given the choice between fining people at bike meets and protecting vulnerable girls and young women ... I'm glad the Police are smart enough to know which way to go.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  6. No need. Every thread is a "Some people are so thick" thread.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Always the path of least resistance I'm afraid.
  8. No, that isn't it. The real reason is that the public are fooking thick!
  9. I can’t tell if you’re baiting or mentally retarded.....
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  10. Both
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  11. That's because you are now a member of the public and thus, fooking thick!
    • Funny Funny x 4
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    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  12. Pick a lane, former non-thick guy!
  13. The thick public...
    Coronavirus lockdown breakers: 'We got a dirty look and I called it to an end'

    More than 9,000 fines were issued by police in England and Wales to people breaking the lockdown. While the vast majority are obeying the lockdown rules, a small minority are resistant to them.

    The government's health advisers say we are just over the peak of the coronavirus pandemic and sticking to the lockdown is crucial to save lives. Here, three people explain why they didn't.

    Sarah, 39, London

    Two of my best friends are in a couple. Both said they had the virus a few weeks ago. They hadn't been tested but they had all the symptoms. Last weekend they sent me a message saying they were coming to east London to see people from a safe social distance.

    I said to stop and wave when they got to my house. But when they arrived outside I thought we're going to have to invite them in. Part of it was the weather. It was so beautiful it lulled me into a sense of false security.

    I live near a canal path and last weekend I felt there were more people out drinking and getting together. Plus my mum's friends have all been meeting up secretly for walks and they are in the at-risk category as well.

    It was so exciting to see friends again and have that human interaction but very quickly I started to feel very guilty.

    What are the social distancing rules?

    People should go out as little as possible and only if they have a "reasonable excuse"

    Leaving home for shopping, medical reasons or to exercise with members of your household is allowed

    Travel to and from work is permitted, but only when you cannot work from home

    If you have to go outside stay more than 2m (6ft) apart from anyone other than members of your household

    What are the rules on social distancing?

    My husband wasn't happy about it at all. He said it gave off the impression that we felt we are somehow better than everyone else. We sat outside on the balcony and quickly got spotted by a neighbour. She gave us a dirty look and I felt we had to call an end to it.

    The first 15 minutes or so felt great but within half an hour it did make me feel bad. They were gone within an hour.

    My friends said we should go and visit them next time. But I don't think I would do that again until I had some new advice from the government. Looking back now it does feel irresponsible.

    Jeremy, 19, Midlands

    I am a student back from university and living at home. My mum had been on at me for weeks to get a new haircut. My hair is really frizzy and it gets so irritating when it's hot.

    We haven't got razors, clippers or anything like that so cutting it myself just wasn't an option. Mum is in touch with this underground network of hairdressers who have been working from home.

    We drove to a nearby city. We parked down the road and just knocked on the door.

    I'd never met the hairdresser before. She was in her 20s and had everything set up in her kitchen: all the proper utensils and a mirror from her bedroom propped up against the table. She said she needed the money. She had just started her own business so couldn't be furloughed and had fallen through the cracks [of the government's different support schemes].

    I did spot one of the neighbours as I was coming out of the house and wondered what they were thinking.

    I know it wasn't in accordance with the rules and most people would think this isn't essential. But I didn't worry too much about the risks. The whole thing took about half an hour.

    My girlfriend though was upset. She was really irritated at me for doing it and thought it was a risk for no good reason.

    Matt, 29, south-west England

    We had been reading about a meteor shower that was meant to be really spectacular on Wednesday night. So around 11.30pm I piled into the car with my mum, dad and younger brother. We had a telescope and binoculars.

    The idea was to drive about four or five miles out of the city to get a better view of the sky at midnight.

    We were less than 500m from our house and a police car pulled out. It had been stationary and parked at the side of the road. It followed us and its lights came on. Then a second police car arrived with lights, sirens, the whole works.

    They asked what we were doing and were perfectly polite. They said this was an unnecessary journey and we had to go home. My dad told them this was our daily exercise but they were not having it.

    I can understand their argument but to deny us the right to exercise seems overzealous. It starts to become a night curfew and that's not what the regulations are about.

    For example if I was an essential worker and wanted to go for a late-night run, then what's to stop me doing that? They were saying we should exercise in a local space but the lockdown rules say you are allowed to drive a short distance to exercise.

    I did complain to the police in writing afterwards. They replied saying our travel was non-essential but I still don't think we broke the rules.

    Some names of participants have been changed.

    PODCAST: The Next Episode's Breaking the Lockdown

    AVOIDING CONTACT: The rules on self-isolation and exercise

    LOCKDOWN: Do Brits still accept it?

    HOW A VIRUS SPREADS: An explanation
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  14. Damnation !
    I always thought motorcycling was a crime .

    Now you've taken all of the fun out of it !
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Well there is that, I was being kind.

    Any idea when the ‘people are thick thread’ is getting posted. Wanted to comment on there before it got closed is all?

    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Any thread started by that baiting barrister knobber or 749errrr, or whatever he’s called......
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  17. Low hanging fruit = high visibility, low resources, cost effective and publicity to a wide audience.

    It ticks that performance target off quickly and allows plod to get on with those other ‘important’ things you all moan about.

    off soapbox

    I mean, you’re all talking about it eh!
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Great example of the thick public... grow a pair and start one yourself..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Good second effort ...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Nah was waiting on you didn't want to steal your only original idea in life eh.
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