Riding A Motorbike In Shorts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, May 9, 2020.

  1. Got thrown over the bars of my little aprilia at 18 years old in work boots and jeans had both boots pulled off my feet and one really bad leg road rashed ! Im fookin alergic to tetanus so had my leg scrubbed by a doc with a nail cleaning brush and a anti bacteria gel !! Lesson learned I go nowhere without proper gear but its down to everyone to call there own shot ?
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  2. I’d rather sweat than shred.
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  3. Thanks - I suspect an op will be required but due to the Covid virus affecting hospital admissions that could take quite some time so really bad timing .... so no work OR play possible virus or no virus.
  4. Exactly right,I ran my 916 for three/four years in Levi's / hooded top & a open face lid before i got serious and slipped into some cosy cow for protection.
  5. Education is the answer. Not protection. Kids are so mollycoddled with PPE and rules that they never get to hurt themselves, climbing trees, falling off bikes, bare knuckle fighting etc.
    If they had a proper childhood they'd know how to protect themselves in later life.
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  6. bastard squad!!!! hope you recover as quickly and painlessly as pos dude. the only bright side is this summer is shot to shit anyhu!
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  7. Don't forget the Fire Service swilling the mess away and the police, often first on scene (and having to deliver death messages) - we pay for all the emergency service barr Mountain Rescue and RNLIB. But as they say - common sense ain't common. Having fallen whilst fell running dowhill, that was painful enough.
    #27 RoadRunner, May 9, 2020
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
  8. Why buy carbon bits to reduce weight when its cheaper to eat less pies!:p
  9. You will never stop people doing stupid things.
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  10. I, as a bmw owner, look down on you lot of Italian turncoats
    • Funny Funny x 6
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  11. But by god they are trying. Have you heard: they’ve stopped people dying from being old now ;)

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  12. it was me......
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. it was me again...

    #33 wroughtironron, May 9, 2020
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  14. why lycra? WHY!!!!!!??????
    this is part of the reason cyclists are hated so much!!! we should not be subjected to seeing men in lycra...
    i ride in work boots and jeans. when i used to push bike to work everyday back in nz i used to pass race rep cyclists on expensive bikes on my 5 speed in work clobber...
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  15. i guess the lycra lads where pacing themselves for an 80k training session.
    yip, tea shirt trainers, no gloves all of it. never again. probably.
    i have come off at the beginning of a long weekend run then attempted to remove the jeans 4days later after the scab had grown into them. nasty.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  16. I would absolutely defend anyone's right to wear what they want on a bike. I've worn shorts when I'm popping to the beach from my campsite. Do you think that's more risky than the way some of the numpty's in full leathers on sports bikes ride? I could possibly lose some skin if I came off, but compared to the consequences of a 150mph off in leathers I'd take my chances? I don't want to be told what to wear? It's my choice. Where will that end? Hi viz? Air vests? total ban on bikes? As someone pointed out I've hit nearly 50mph in shorts on an MTB coming down the side of a mountain in the lakes. I didn't even have disc brakes at the time! Live and let live!
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  17. im sure that bike helmets may have saved a few lives but given they are perched atop of ya head, youd pretty much have to be landing head first at a 90 degree angle to the road for them to be of any use.. assuming they didnt come off before ya landed!!!
  18. I know a guy who doesn’t eat wholemeal bread and doesn’t have his 5 a day vegetables...
    • Funny Funny x 4
  19. Agreed. But then the very busy Doctors and nurses who’s job it is to make him better should also have the choice tell him to fuck off for being such an irresponsible bell end.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. I hope they do the same with people who fall over pissed and horse riders who fall off horses and the lycra teams too :upyeah:
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