so the busy doctors and nurses should make calls on who they should and shouldnt treat based on their opinion of the choices made by an individual? i hope ya doctor has never advised you to eat less cake and you ever suffer from a heart attack!!!!
im really am but its the hardest work ive done in a long time! im feeling my age these days. funny, when you are young, you get fitter when you work hard but once older it just fucks you up!!! i'll live and i am enjoying it. hopefully its lucrative.
I've done the horse riding thing - although wearing proper equipment. Hospital staff were very nice and didn't call me a bell-end. But the point is, accidents happen, whether it be Horse riding, cycling, or motorcycling, but you have a duty (in my opinion) to wear the right gear. Incidentally, I was told by a consultant at Gloucester Hospital that the three most common injuries that they see on a Sunday, are from horse riding, cycling, and motorcycling. I used to do all three on a Sunday, but never realised what a dangerous life that I led!
Just to be clear: I am not saying that anyone shouldn't do anything. Just be sensible. The Health Service aren't judges and I'm sure they don't wanna be, but just think that people should take a bit of care to minimise injury.
I completely agree , but there is a big hole in the theory ..... ... many of them manage to reproduce before their stupidity takes them out of the picture , so those stoopid genes still end up floating about in the gene pool . PS - Coroners have very limited options when it comes to recording " Cause of death " I really think they should be allowed to write - " Acute Stupidity "
as i have said before, i do a lot of work for a lot of medical staff. if they are gonna be so judgmental in my after life, i'm gonna start applying attitude tax in this one. screw em. there is profit to be had, if only you know where to look.
It's a bit of a head twister at first ... Why would anyone want to buy the title deeds to serfs / slaves who were already dead ? and why would an owner be interested in selling them ?
it reminds me of a plot in a Piers Anthony book. if he had wrote it, i would defo give it ago. easy reading for the busy.
A pro cyclist is not the norm within cycling circles just as Rossi isn't a normal motorcyclist. Peeps riding around in shorts in hot weather and the ton plus brigade are both risking life and limb in the case of an off serious injuries again they aren't the norm. There is no mandatory minimum of protective gear a motorcyclist should wear, we have a safety standard motorcycle clothing sold to needs to be at. What we don't have is a law that this clothing is worn on a compulsory basis. Each person makes his/her own mind up as to the risks they take, there are lots of other sports and pastimes that carry risks.
To a degree doctors already do. They won't perform certain surgery on patients who refuse to give up smoking. I know it's different, however it is a selection based life choices... I'm sure we've the vast majority have ended up needing medical attention after doing something unwise. The boy failing from a tree, drunken fall, removing fishing hook from leg, accidentally sitting on a can of deodorant. ..