Riding A Motorbike In Shorts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, May 9, 2020.

  1. Suns oot, i might strap the rod to my back and take the DR out. tea shirt and waders. :upyeah:
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  2. No risk no enjoyment, lawn bowls anyone.
  3. Cos peeps like bling bro, it amazes me both for bikers and cyclist that they buy lightweight trinkets but probs be at least 5 kilo overweight. So they're certainly not buying the lightest components for weight saving just eye candy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Chiz you got a thing for Men in Lycra bud.......
  5. e612b9508af8318a7f998c621078e2ac-800.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. This thread totally replicates my thoughts on really fat people, not the slightly tubby or 2 chins but properly unhealthy fat people, who will ultimately have health problems and shorten their life because of it.

    Is a doctor going to shout at them and call them a bell end etc? No, he will think it and recommend politely that a change in lifestyle is needed for longevity etc

    Selfish people, whether they are fat, riding shorts on a motorbike or riding a horse during lockdown, which I think is ridiculous, it will always happen. But I certainly won’t lose sleep over it.

    Ps. When I lived in Australia, I used to do wheelies down the motorway in a wife beater, shorts and flip flops. I was young and didn’t care. I certainly wouldn’t do it now.
  7. No they shouldn’t, thats their job isn’t it?
  8. Wear what you like on a bike. If you come off in your Speedo’s and hurt yourself, it’s your own fault.
    All the judgemental busy bodies should just mind their own business. The fannies :):upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  9. The NHS kind of does encourage/force folk to change their ways, I know a few people waiting on hip replacements based on if they lose weight first. If they don't lose weight they aren't getting replacements, unfortunately or not hospital treatment is free at point of use and no-one truly questions this.

    If they were a surcharge or excess like insurance policies do would people change their habits re pastimes. I think not as most folk just think it won't happen to them. Be that leading un-healthy lifestyles or risk taking.
  10. Burn him
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    • Funny Funny x 1
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  11. I know I found loads of reports (PDF) of injuries caused by Lawn Bowls (mainly sprains and ligament damage), but not as funny as a 60's cartoon.
  12. Then we'd have to treat him for burns or do you mean burn to death?

    Or did you mean Chinese burns?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I love a good Chinese burn.
  14. how rude.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. A few years back I rode the multi to Madrid in the summer. the city was full of these Darwinian types, thousands of ‘em riding all sorts of bikes and scooters, boy did I feel overdressed!
    I had the last laugh though.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Fair point. The subject in our household is a sensitive one at the moment. last weekend we were passed on the A45 by a bell end on a bike. Wearing vest and shorts. Flat on the tank doing way over the ton. (We were doing about 80 as it was quiet) The wife (nurse) commented about how he’d only fall off once dress like that and how it would be “nasty”. Guess who we found 1/2 mile up the road at the next roundabout lay in the gutter. Unbelievably he’d dropped it at low speed because the lights were on red and he was ok ish. Mostly gravel rash abrasions and bruising . But the look on his face as the tirade of abuse to wife unleashed we epic! Only after she had assessed him and he was on his feet of course. The twist in the tail is. It turns out he’s a patient of the gp surgery where Sue works. So he got another bollocking when he went in to get his dressings changed.
    • Funny Funny x 5
  17. Ar, fat people. Always gets there eventually.

    judgemental wankers.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Harsh!

    Are all fat people judgemental?
  19. Human nature I'm afraid, you've been calling cyclists wankers either on this thread or others, peoples nature I'm afraid to point out the 'other'. Always best ignored.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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