Anyone else watch this on C4 tonight? now I have been very lucky in my life and have never really had to want for anything, all that I have now I have worked for. i do sympathise with people who are made redundant etc and find it difficult to get work/ re trade. However the majority of participants in this 'documentary' just came across as total dross who thought it as acceptable to steal/ fight/ be abusive and anti social/ show no respect for authority. the only thing I felt sorry for in the whole program was the staffie being used as a status symbol. In fact I dint know know why I bothered watching as program's like this just make me angry. a sad reflection on the lower echelons of society today or was the maker trying to put a humorous spin onto a dire situation. I don't know. All I know is some of those kids needed a good clip round the ear and some shock treatment.
Oh god, I live in Scunthorpe (I hate calling it Scunny) and I feel embarassed. The scumbag that kicks off with his mum wasnconvicted of burgling our deceased son's house a on Christmas Eve 2011, despite prints and Oliver's TV & playstation found in his room, he got a slap on the wrists. He deserves no more than a good old fashioned kicking, waster....
The work situation is no excuse. I left school, spent a long time training as a turner and toolmaker, and subsequently got made redundant more than once (three times in two years in fact) after that I took whatever work was available to stay afloat, be it emptying bins at the local shopping centre or sweeping the yard at a distribution centre. I took a MASSIVE pay cut to change careers, selling virtually everything bar the shirt on my back. As a result of these difficult decisions and sacrifice I am now in a stable, reasonably well paid career with good prospects. No one will do this for you, its all about wanting it, not just saying you want it.
I turned it off complete and utter shite when I used to live and work in hull for 10 years I had the odd occasion to goto scunthorpe. fuckin shithole and thats rich lol from an alien who resided in hull . back in newcastle now and it seems everywhere is a shithole these days
Utter dregs of our society that don't deserve the help from the State. This is an underclass of society who think they have the right to benefits without putting anything back. IMHO bringing back National Service would give these kids something to focus on rather than leaching from the rest of us.
Scunthorpe has always been a shit hole. Come to think of it most of Humberside is. It should have floated out somewhere in the North Sea and sank; the rest of the country wouldn't have even noticed. Having grown up there and left as soon as I possibly could was the best thing I ever did.
scunthorpe should take a look down the road at grimsby makes scunthorpe look good ......... only 24 toasters away.............
You might be pleased to hear he is in Wetherby YOI now and hss suffered several good beatings which stsrted when he grassed somebody to the staff for stealing his watch. Justice is slow in coming but it gets there in the end
I have long believed we should get a giant hacksaw, and slice the country off at the midlands and again at the scottish border. we can then tow scotland down to the south and push the north off into the north sea... its Icelands problem then... This is a joke BTW!!!!
The romans had it sorted. Just build walls round cities etc Then you can control the movements of the undesirables. Rename such as lazyshittyshire, Dunrobinham and Cuntswolds