.......if you thought there was a risk of you developing breast cancer? BBC News - Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has double mastectomy
At this present moment no I wouldn't Faced with the same prospect I don't know each case is individual
Just seen this on the news. An incredibly brave decision for anyone, but given the odds, and family history it was probably made easier for her. I'm sure she will have the best aftercare possible, and I guess reconstructive surgery to regain her figure, but it has taken a lot of courage to have the op, and then make it so public, but if that helps other women to follow the route to protect their health then good for her! I wish her all the best for a speedy recovery.
I have to say there are many brave ladies out there facing this dilemma not just Angelina Many will not have the lifestyle and understanding that this lady can afford who will go it alone and not be supported by a husband/boyfriend etc My aunty had breast cancer and one removed with a false breast and not particularly nice underwear to wear it It fell out or often out of place to a point she gave up wearing it
I know a young woman who had one breast removed through having cancer. She was in the right place at the right time for one of only 2 surgeons in the country to work on her. They took skin from her back without removing it and brought it to the front. They then removed fat from her thighs and filled it and then made a rubber nipple. You cannot tell now she has a faint scar on her back and stroke the breast snd it feels like she is having her back rubbed she tells me
Yes I would . Having had members of my family die of Breast and ovarian cancer . However without being rude about AJ. Yes a very brave choice . However her having it done and us having it done is a different matter. She has access to the best surgeons , The best medical care. She doesn't lead an ordinary life . She can rest up . Us .. On NHS ..... A different result and still have to run homes and work . I think NHS may remove however if you want reconstruction I m sure you have to go private I'd have them reconstructed .
She's a brave lady. It couldn't have been an easy descision. I'm sure Christina Applegate did the same thing a number of years ago.
Gentlemen .... if you were advised you had a 90% likelihood of getting testicular cancer, would you go for an orchidectomy?
I think not only is it a brave decision, but putting it into the public eye can only be a good thing for those unfortunate to be facing this. Somehow seeing a celebrity go through something makes it more acceptable to some? I'm not so much talking about the person have the surgery, but those around them. Publicising this can surely only be a good thing?
A close friend of mine runs a charity that gives support and awareness to this very subject after finding out it was in her family, she went ahead and had a double mastectomy and her daughter did the same in her early twenties. Both were happy to go ahead given the options available. Steve
One of my other half's friends has just been through the same, her mums got terminal cancer and her sister has too... Both counting the days, one sister has already died so the odds were stacked against her, had reconstruction which hasn't gone brilliantly and she's waiting for her ovaries to be removed. I don't envy her or anyone that has to go through any of this.