Pani Near Byfleet On M25

Discussion in 'Ducati Spotted' started by Cream_Revenge, May 11, 2020.

  1. You're kidding right. the pricks should never have been out .......
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. Were you there?
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  3. Illegal number plate could be one that is 5mm too small so is imo a lame & shite law.

    Riding without a license is criminal which ever way you look at it, no excuse.

    Reckless driving is a serious charge too and if they were charged with it theres a good chance they were doing something wrong.
  4. i'm not sure who added the three face-blanks but almost guaranteed to generate three "haters" even if they hadn't felt that way before.
  5. They obviously weren't caught speeding. They weren't charged. The number plate thing seems to me like a bit of "charge them with something, anything".
    I'm only playing devils advocate really.
    I've always thought that a warning about a number plate would suffice tbh.
  6. Re: speeding, Andy could add the actual details, But if police aren’t set up to observe and record for the agreed distance etc then there is no point in even thinking about prosecution.
  7. Ah right. My thinking was that the M25 is averaged speed cameras along pretty much it's its entire length. They must have been on it a while to be reported and then caught, so speeding likely not. On an empty motorway, what counts as reckless endangerment of other motorists if you're not speeding?
  8. Section 59 allows the police to give drivers a warning if they are reported to have used their vehicle in a manner which causes "alarm, distress or annoyance". If reported to have done so again within a year the police have the right to confiscate the vehicle.

    There was an attempt to get this act repealed as it appears that it can simply be enforced by a witness statement. The petition was thrown out due to technicalities, I don’t know if it was resubmitted.
  9. I had a letter come through last year saying I had been reported by some cunt, likely in a loveless marriage for supposedly speeding. The only basis was it the opinion of said cunt, no speed camera/gun. Just the word of some wonky who likely had a shed full of spank mags and no social life/skills. The name of the scheme escapes me but it’s a mechanism for trouble if it only takes an opinion to be reported.
    Would love to get the cunts reg number and repay the favour.
    The next weekend I went back, baffles out...
  10. The idea that you can get a letter or potentially get your vehicle impounded without any requirement for evidence is utterly appalling and completely open to all kinds of abuse.

    I feel more and more that we only live in the illusion of a democracy and justice is a myth.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. I can't see their faces but am guessing they're young men? I don't feel therefore I can pass judgement. I thought it was mandatory for young men on motorcycles to cause alarm, distress and annoyance to members of the general non-biking public. When did that change? I'm an old git now but my god we tried our hardest on our 2 strokes back in the day! The no-bikers signs on almost every pub was testament to that. I'm disappointed they weren't even speeding. Come on lads make some effort! I am of course in no way condoning their behaviour, just giving a bit of perspective. Breaking news: Young men don't do anything in a sensible manner! On a positive note give it another 40 years and they'll be as socially responsible as the rest of us. Note: their lovely shiny steeds would have shamed the crappy things we rode round on.
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  12. I do often wonder what planet some people must live on sometimes with their thought process on here!
    1 A letter received regarding you speeding....
    First of all it means cock all! apart from the fact you were probably exceeding the speed limit more often than not in somewhere like a 30 or 40 zone. This will of been noted by someone operating an approved hand held device. These people will generally be community speed watch. They are local people probably pissed off by the amount of perceived speeding vehicles in their village/area, so are looking to feel good about doing something about it. They have been trained to use the kit, and the appropriate location. They record the said vehicles number and hand in a list to the authorities where the letter is generated and sent to the registered keeper. It is not evidential, undoubtedly it happened but a letter that ends up in the bin is all that happens. Their activity is monitored and If they supplied a list of 1000 vehicles all exceeding the speed by loads during a short period of time, ( not a given target!)then you may well get the official speed van sit there , and of course these will be evidential!
    2 When stopped by the Police they cant just seize your vehicle without any requirement for evidence! Can you imagine how frustrating and irresponsible it used to be stopping a driver with no documentation giving them a HORT1 and then leaving them with the vehicle to drive off later in it..... Of more recent times If however you are uninsured or no MOT or several other offences, dont you think its quite right you are not allowed to continue any further plus its less chance of said user putting me or mine at risk? I /We have to fooking pay our way for the pleasure of using the road so as far as im concerned so should everyone else!
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  13. I always thought that a pull for a wrong size plate meant a 14 day producer, not illegal but an infringement of MOT regulations, is that right?
  14. Yawn....
  15. i was looking for a way to evidence ignorance.....
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  16. Start with your own diatribe then...
  17. What is fantastic about bikers, from a public safety viewpoint, is that they very rarely inflict any harm on anyone but themselves! That middle aged, middle class couple, enjoying a few cold drinks in a country pub garden on a sunny afternoon on the other hand.....? At least I can feel safer knowing there are a few less wrong-sized number plates posing a threat to me on my sedate and sensible ride out. Good work boys!
  18. oh dear how childish....
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  19. Did you read any of the previous posts before responding? @outintheopen specifically stated that no speed measuring device was involved.

    Nothing in your response is related to what we were discussing - which is section 59 and how it could potentially be abused.

    By all means if you have something relevant to add then please do but don’t come back with antagonist responses and then take things on a random tangent and cause unnecessary conflict.

    I doubt you will find anyone on here who uses a vehicle without proper insurance or MOT. In fact the only crime the vast majority of people have ever committed is speeding - including pretty much all police officers.

    This doesn’t make them criminals - and if the police treat them as if they are, then they simply damage the relationship between ordinary tax paying law abiding citizens - which in the long run does not turn out well for anyone.

    As it’s known what you do for a living how do you think most people would feel about you having the power to potentially impound a vehicle based on nothing more than either a report from a person who is potentially holding a grudge or just your own personal opinion?

    Section 59 places the police in the role of judge and jury - and based on your response to this post I would not want to be in the position where your judgement was all that was required to impound my vehicle. As you haven’t listened at all to what was being said and responded according to your own personal prejudices.

    People aren’t your enemy unless you make them Andy - and you seem to go out of your way to be antagonistic and judgemental - and in the process are doing damage the reputation of your profession in front of a large audience.
  20. 1/10 - could tried harder
    Honestly, I’d rather you spend more time and come back with an intelligent, well thought out reply than just stomp one out on the keyboard.
    I’ll pretend I didn’t see it and give you another go (only one though).
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