you are hungry with me only because i dont want pay 400€ for a seat unit... it's perfect OEM and it's your... your is the piece and you make the price, I don't want to convince you that I found it at 250 euros. the market is free, everyone makes his choices and does the math in his own pocket ... I have a Full Akrapovic Titanium to sell ... how much would you rate it? (with new manifold for 996 and other manifold for996r/998) btw i have 2 of this full titanium akrapovic, 1 I wish sell it
I am not angry in the least, I am simply emphasizing that the forum primarily exists to help contributors and in particular, subscribing members. If you can find a new OEM monoposto seat unit for 250€ why are you even enquiring about mine? How much are your exhausts worth to a forum member who like you is looking for a ‘good price’? Based on your pricing formula maybe 150/200€, but you are not going to sell them for that are you? Why not exchange them for my seat unit then there will be a quid pro quo? If you can be a little more realistic and perhaps even contribute to the forum as opposed to purely using it as a marketplace you will find members far more accommodating and you will be welcome!
my formula pricing? cmon man don't try to kidding me ... we are here for sell/buy items, not to be angry with the people... i repeat my sens of this costructive discussion... it's your piece? than make your price... and if for me is a high price and for you isn't, ok... what's the real problem ?!? peace and love
so finally i have found wheels, thanks regards all... the thread can be closed. Best Regards @Ducbird