916 Petrol Cap Refresh.

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Davyd, May 16, 2020.

  1. CAABC763-E50A-4548-AD95-34A5EED0A76C.png A1AC61CA-963E-447A-B19D-15DB23C0D928.png F3300D12-D72F-45A7-A392-A36EDD82D692.png 4F8D0D98-F8A8-412D-8289-9CB48145249A.png I don’t think it turned out too bad
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  2. Great work.
  3. Crackin' job chief, can I send some bits for refurbishment? ;)
    • Like Like x 1
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  4. Very nice. I would like to do mine. How did you do it/what materials?

  5. One step ahead of me as usual.:)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I reckon there are a lot of us who would like to do this!!
    • Agree Agree x 5
  7. Totally agree with you,as this is the icing on the cake or the cherry on top.:confused:,he could provide a inhouse restoration service for this sort of thing.?
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Job well done that.
    I did it a few years ago although wasn’t as badly corroded. I tried the gold Hammerite but didn’t come out well. I used Tamiya paint from a model shop and can out ok.

    842A8148-6A46-4B5C-85A4-8CA3FF46A077.png 2D58740A-5A8B-4D0C-AF9C-D80FF836D2BC.png
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  9. Cheers Ian. Brush on job?
    Anyone else got tips on this subject? Good to share knowledge like this.
  10. Sorry, but they don’t look right without the Elefant logo.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Those little elephants make all the difference.
    #12 TNR, May 16, 2020
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
  12. The later ones didn’t have them on.
    @Expat Jack, spray cans mate.
    Finished off with polished stainless cap heads.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. @Davyd need to know how you did that mate, beltin job!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I used hammerite smooth gold spray and Simonze VHT it was very straightforward the only trouble is getting the roll pins out which separate the main cap from the outer ring they MUST be pulled out either side it’s not one pin all the way through! The only other thing is the minute ball bearing and spring which actually helps open and close the key flap. there’s a little metal Fixed with a screw which holds them in place. Here’s a few pics of how it all comes apart 1DBA418A-B56F-4A17-BEE1-6504A9E7A3EA.jpeg BED7E545-827B-4C39-90B7-904929CB8247.jpeg 00295196-DFF7-4374-88A4-7B6C457848E6.jpeg B05B3C4E-5B58-495F-934F-1B0B9F894DCC.jpeg 06855906-36F1-4034-B618-67534BBC42FA.jpeg 105E2D60-5FE4-4255-AFDF-EAABE201E53E.jpeg C0C06C31-D8E9-4F0B-B92F-80770C6F5A35.jpeg
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  15. 5D4268DC-067F-4268-A89B-C7598D959F5D.jpeg 7888D71D-5D10-4C89-AF76-78B08BCAE149.jpeg
    • Thanks Thanks x 3
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  16. Great job looks brand new again
  17. Nice job. Thanks for sharing paint used.

  18. Very nice but... are these paints petrol resistant?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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