Kevin & Perry go large!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Troy, May 15, 2013.

  1. Sorting out the loft yesterday and came across the above. Couldnt resist watching it. My son who is 16 was in fits of laughter as he had never seen it before. He now wants the sound track!!! Can you believe its not on itunes! Anyway bloody funny film and took me back and gave me total escapism :upyeah:
  2. I remember the film. Proper toilet humour :biggrin:
  3. "Fank you eye ball paul"
  4. Got the soundtrack. It's not that good tbh. Film is a classic though.
  5. Dont suppose you could copy and email to me please Matt????????
  6. If I can find it! Not sure if I threw it out when we moved house. If I do find it I can bring it up when I come to donny.
  7. Just watching it again on youtube :biggrin:
  8. Cheers mate. Be good to catch up anyway
  9. Brilliant film :) must check it out
  10. I've had 'Big girl' on my phone since it cam out.
  11. Give the Inbetweeners Movie a go...:upyeah:
  12. There's a few Kevin & Perry soundtracks on ebay for a couple of quid.
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