For Sale Ebay Bikes

Discussion in 'Ducati Bikes For Sale' started by Rob, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. And drilled the carbon fairings to fit crash bungs... to stop damage.... to the faring?
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  2. Wasn’t that discussed on here before ?

    It is an R, presumably has been used on the track, but can be restored (bar the fairings). :thinkingface:
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  3. For 28 grand?! Maybe there’s a stray zero on the :p
  4. o_O apologies - shows all I know :joy:
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  5. There is a really nice 998r for top 20's..... I'm seeing if I can fit it in some where...loads in dealers for 30k.
    I'll add the link tomorrow, it's on the office machine.
  6. I’d say 23k is in the right ball park for a 996/998R.

    @Android853sp why do you say it’s a ‘bitsa’ ? It’s got all the original parts with it and let’s be honest with ourselves here, how many of us have bikes that aren’t Bitsa’s.
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  7. Where did you read it has all the original parts ? I read he has the original dash, nothing else. Okay if all the original parts are there, I’ll put my hands up. Andy
  8. The last pic is airtubes, mirrors, cans, dash, eprom and swingers. No sign of forks or callipers or tank.

    Lots of nice kit fitted but, with these, surely the value is in standard not bling?
  9. Ah, I didn’t look at the pictures and yes, I agree with you, the value is in the originality and most certainly not something that has potentially been thrashed around the track. Andy
  10. @Android853sp Bradders answered your question about the original bits, thanks @bradders, and yes I agree it’s value is perhaps more in original spec but some will like/want the extra bits I guess.

    I guess it’s silly really, we all want a classic like that to be original but then as soon as we got one we’d all start adding bits to it.
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  11. Each to his or her (or whatever you identify as) own and I’m just as guilty of tweaking but I don’t expect the next owner to pick up the tab for my excessive spending habit. Within the last couple of days, there was 1098R Bayliss put up for sale, what was it, £19000 ? I know which represents value and collector status and it isn’t the 998 :D Andy
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  12. We definitely need a puke emoji :astonished:
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  13. Let me know if you find a proper one at that price.
    #12897 AirCon, May 22, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2020
  14. The one we were talking about is that price isn’t it?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Ducati s4r/s4 wanted!
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