Anyone left with a 999R cover after parting with their bike? I am in the unfortunate position of having 2 999R's and only one cover :frown: Hang on a minute, let me re phrase that... I am in the fortunate position of having 2 999R's and only one cover :smile: Someone sell me one please :biggrin:
Do you want an official cover then? otherwise just go and by one from Oxford or R&G. Im got an official 1098 one on my bike and its lovely, so I can see why you'd want an official one. You could do a call around to some long standing Ducati dealers. They may have one in stock :smile: Two 999s does sound nice thou. Good man (assuming you're a man - ive made that mistake before, just ask Char :biggrin
I am a man but have had many lesbian experiences in my life (as I guess most have) in fact I had one girl friend who almost turned me at one point :wink: and yes, I do want an official cover, but don't believe the dealers ever sold them? Would seem strange to sell them as every 999R came with them anyway, so maybe they wouldn't sell any? Bloody hell, they might have hundreds of the things! Char's not a man? Well, at least as a woman we can rest assured she must have had Lesbian tenancies and at least one experience in the dim and distant past so at least she has some things in common with me :smile: