Guinness, Marmite Of The Gods?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by WAYNE, May 29, 2020.

  1. I on a personal note love it as i am now on my fifth one:heart::sun::p.
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  2. Just started my thirst one....might manage two as pizza in the oven and loving sitting in the garden with a beer after today probably deserve it

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  3. I’m loving the new Matt black cans looks as classy as it tastes now
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  4. You should try the bottled version rather than cans (I’m assuming you’re not in the pub drinking pints) IMO it tastes more like the pub draught than the cans with the widget in.

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  5. Really? Not seen that before paul
  6. Is it a cold served drink ?
  7. Marmite of the gods? More like diarrhoea of the devil...
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  8. :eek:
  9. I had one at tea time, but went on to Cider as is fekkin' scorchio :sun::blush::sun:
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  10. I remember being on a blokes stag do and he loved his guiness, 9 pints later, his brother takes him home. The next morning we call at his house, knock on his bedroom door and open it, it looked like his carpet was was a tar road
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. I did the very same thing years ago in bed I thought I’d pulled grace was years ago 25+
    • Funny Funny x 3
  12. Only point of this stuff is in a pie.
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  13. It CAN have that effect!!, but after 5 or 6 you don't give a fuck!!:joy:
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  14. Both, in a pie and down the neck!!:upyeah:
  15. The price of bottles is ridiculous and yes i admit it is the widgit can stuff i'm on, have you seen the the price of it in France?, crazy prices in bars but they say it's import TAX!!:mad::upyeah:
  16. Round two

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  17. Guinness in winter when sat over Gloucester watching the rugby 10 pints and a kebab . Amazing
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  18. I'm soon to be on round six, it's my birthday so fuck it!!:innocent:o_O;)
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  19. Our company makes all the Widgets for Diagio and John Smiths - we developed it about 30 years ago and we are now on the third iteration of the design. We make a few million of them per week :)
    Years ago we used to get a few pallets of full cans sent for free from time to time but that has stopped now :bucktooth:
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  20. I like the Porter 6% and extra stout 7.5%.
    It’s my daughters 18th tomorrow so I may have 1 or 2.....
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