Guinness, Marmite Of The Gods?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by WAYNE, May 29, 2020.

  1. I used to like John smiths
    Shit though stop sending the cans,:mad:!
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  2. Porter is a bit of a dying drink but very nice if you can find a good supplier of a quality porter!!
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  3. Homemade pizza, homemade chilli oil, homemade garlic oil and a Guinness

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  4. I make my own! 24D2F488-F48E-4469-9263-6C9BFFF3762D.jpeg And it’s fuckin delicious.
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  5. Bella, couldn't help it!!:upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Happy birthday fella....I keep mine quiet now :joy:
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  7. Not historically, it’s the original stuff that used to get shipped around the world pre draught & chillers and was sold at room temp off the bar shelf. Nowadays, around here anyway, it’s typically drunk at room temp by old farmers in wooly hats and cow dung splattered trousers:joy:.

    However, some avant garde pubs carry it in the fridge and serve it cold and that’s how I drink it at home, chilled, from the fridge.

    It certainly does have that effect unfortunately, 6 pints and the next day it’s a bit like marmite as it comes out :astonished:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. was snake bite a guiness drink?
  9. Guinness and cider!!:upyeah:
  10. Snakebite was Larger and Cider, preferably with Pils and Merrydown back in the day - add a Vodka and a Blue Bols for a Green Meanie :):upyeah:
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  11. that's what was confusing, I remember down here cider and guiness's called snake bites too?
  12. Dublin Guiness...its an entire food group lol.

    I survived two and half days on nothing but Guiness over there when I went over with my younger bro to watch Thin Lizzy (the newer one) a few years ago - no clue how much we got through but it was a lot :D

    If I dont do 10 or 12 pints or more in a normal day over there interspersed with wandering about and occasionally eating, I haven't had a good time. I NEVER had a hangover either ( possibly as I never sobered up mind, who knows ?)

    Over here in Ingerrland, I cant do more than a quarter of that volume :(
  13. Maybe it's any beer mixed with cider then :thinkingface:
  14. Happy 18th to your daughter today
  15. Thank you DB, we’re having some food and drinks in the garden this afternoon.
    I think I’ll allow her a shandy now she’s an adult, supposedly......
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  16. WasNt it lager and cider??
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I always thought Snakebite was cider and lager mixed 50/50* perhaps not:thinkingface:, perhaps it is any beer and cider?

    * It always amazed me how, when clearing up the next morning after a party, the left over glasses of snakebite have semi-solidified and have a cloudy frog spawn like mess suspended in the drink:astonished:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. I remember seeing all these Rastafarian’s pissed up on the black stuff in the Caribbean
    They were drinking Guinness Export at 7.5%!
    Guinness are the market gurus!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Merrydown haven't heard that word for a long time!!:upyeah:
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