Guinness, Marmite Of The Gods?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by WAYNE, May 29, 2020.

  1. Same venue as last night ...but without the wall in the living room ...Guinness tastes good


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  2. And yes it’s a different Guinness
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  3. Hey, we was rich (relatively speaking) feckers at uni, could afford to splurge, you know what I mean.

    Not. In reality we were as poor as fuck but had eyes bigger than our bellies, and anything left over when everyone had passed out got consumed the following morning (except the snakebite o_O)
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  4. That was before I discovered champagne
  5. The Anglo Irish
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  6. Guinness is good for you (if you’re removing walls)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Get you Mr West Sutton Paul haha
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. On my 4th I think
  9. You rebel you!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I’m loving it but need a shower badly after today
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  11. you reminded me of a party in Plymouth in my 20's, mostly Navy attended. A "large chap" disgruntled at not getting the girl as I remember, awoke around 5 and proceeded to fill a Demijohn with all the liqueur leftovers before departing, a cheeky move, but no-one was going to argue with him, which of course he knew. Thinking about it, a tough and troubled soul, I doubt he is still about now so shouldn't begrudge him that temporary relief.
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  12. Yeah it gets sticky and attracts ants.
  13. : o )
    : o /
    You'd best not be lyin' ...
  14. That just reminded me of the strangely titled B-side to one of Wizzard's singles ....

    The Carlsberg Special (Pianos Demolished Phone 021 373 4472)
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