Farage: Are the Scots Rascist?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, May 18, 2013.

  1. when does banter turn into abuse? the scots make a lot out of hating the english...my mates scottish (ex) girlfriend even wore a germany t shirt when england lost to them in the world cup matches...and then wondered why he was pissed off..particularly as her home city was carpet bombed in the war and scots, welsh, english and northern irish soldiers were dying in fox holes against the common enemy...

  2. My dad was Scottish but spent a lot of his life in England and overseas. He always said the Scots had a massive load of chips on their shoulders. He probably got it about right, though I have always had a good time and enjoyed the Scots when there.

    It was a pretty nasty situation that Farage found himself in. He didn't even get abused when he gave that fantastic speech against Van Rompuy Who are you Mr President? Nigel Farage asks Van Rompuy - YouTube worth watching if you missed it :biggrin:
  3. I work with a few Scots, and don't find them even remotely anti English.

    I would say that some of the SNP faces seen in the media, Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon etc, have a great dislike or even hatred of the English.
  4. That national news footage of Farage being jostled and abused by the local Edinburgh rent-a-mob put Scotland in a bad light, and it wouldn't surprise me if it impacted on the English and affected the tourism on which the jocks heavily rely.
  5. It won't do Niggle Farridge any harm.............gives him more welcome exposure.

  6. It's easy to be racist when you, even if by perception, don't run your own country. Its easy to lay blame for social blight at the door of your 'occupier' whether it be right or not.

    I suppose the question is how the scottish 'racism' would evolve if they were a separate nation. What would happen if tommorow britain decided to just give them their wish, unconditionally, so no thrashing out deals or treaties.

    What if Britain withdrew the aircraft, with drew the benefits and pensions and just said to the scottish parliament - there you go its your mess now.

    As for scottish racism, lets face it, if you believe professor Mel gibson then Britain is the devil's own bum slurry. Islam and al Quaeda pale into insignificance compared to the legacy of Edward Longshanks!

    And lets not forget that other great scottish nationalist Sean Connery, who of course spends every waking minute on his mother soil when not spending the other 365 days on some tropical island.

    Sadly funky, there are those who would argue that the british forced them into war, and had they not, then they wouldn't have got bombed. Admittedly, scotland as a staging post for the forces of good (as obviously Britain is the forces of evil according to professor Mel) would have been very convenient.

    Yet, I suppose like most places, the majority have a sensible head on their shoulders and accept that surviving without each other would be detrimental for both sides - and St Andrew's and battered deep fried mars bars cannot fund the nation.

    If the scottish do have a chip on their shoulder I suppose its because once they'd stopped fighting there was a lot of thinking time, unlike Ireland which was more preoccupied with worrying about having their bum holes fingered by catholic priests.

    I do think it's daft that the best they can come out with is that their laws are decided in London. That's not really an answer of substance. I'd be interested to see what they think it would be like under scottish independence.

    However as Robarano says, its a few faces in the media which are good at stoking the fire playing to nothing more than a prejudice which has been instilled over centuries and in reality the foundation of which has probably dissolved into pointlessness in todays modern age. Taxes will still be paid, stuff will still cost shit loads, and the rich will still be rich and the chavs will still be chavs. Socially, will anything change other than it'll be those wankers at Edinburgh instead of those wankers in London. And who knows, they'll probably hate the english for letting them have independence!
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  7. can we have a referendum for english independance?
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  8. No. You are not allowed a referendum for the purposes of deciding something.

    Referendums (referenda, sigh) are a feature of a government that is asking the people for a direction. This is not a preferred option for a parliamentary democracy.

    Heh, "parliamentary democracy" ... one of the great oxymorons of our time :smile:
  9. Couple o things, most of us up here dont hate the english, sure their will be some idiots who do but you get that type everywhere. Wouldnt piss on the snp if they were on fire and they will fail on their independence quest. And the football thing...well thats just a bit of banter really, most will say you have a bloody good team but its the commentators who drive us up the wall. They make charlie cox sound good
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  10. If you don't care for the Latin gerund, you could try plebiscite = asking what the plebs think. The Tories seem to steering clear of that word this year - wonder why?
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  11. :upyeah:
  12. I lived in Scotland and found the anti-English thing mainly just banter. Some of the football fans took it a bit more seriously though. However, I've never been in a country and seen the national flag fly as much as in Scotland. It's everywhere, including stickers on most cars, car number plates, everywhere.

    I'm not sure the Scots who are in favour of independence fully understand the Barnett Formula. This is used to calculate the funding each head of population receives and is higher per head north of the boarder. The SNP might bang on about oil revenue (depleting year on year) but what are they going to for currency ? Will they stay in the EU ? Will they have their own passport ? How will they fund defence ?

    Are they racist, from my experience and on the whole no, just like most other countries.
  13. What do you mean "stay in the EU"? Scotland as a newly independent country would have to apply to accede to the EU, first by joining the back of the queue of several other candidate states.

    Meeting all 30 chapters would certainly take years. If they do accede they would have to sign up to the Euro along with the rest of the acquis. The Scottish parliament would be fully occupied for years passing necessary legislation, and would have no time for anything else.

    The SNP seems to be clueless about all this stuff. Since independence has been their only policy for 30 years, it is amazing how little thought they have given to the reality.
    #13 Pete1950, May 18, 2013
    Last edited: May 18, 2013
  14. Are the scots racist?

    Do the men wear skirts and say 'och aye the noo' a lot?


    its just banter surely, anything more just makes them a miserable sod and we get them from all angles
  15. #15 Pict, May 18, 2013
    Last edited: May 18, 2013
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  16. and you've got big swords - claymores... proper swords them :) I've seen Rob Roy yar knows :)
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  17. if it makes the scots happy, i say let them run the country however they like...on the condition that we (english) dont have to sit through scottish football results, news, politics and pebble dash...some stonking scottish comedians though...fuck it, go balls out and have passport control and a high wall...(didnt someone try a high wall once)...i would also like to keep scotland out of english politics...turds like Alex Almond bleat on about westminster running scotland but forgets that most of the politicians in westminster are his countrymen...
    oh and can we repatriate our homeless junky alkies??
    Anyway, im off to get a spam and mars bar fritter, some special brew and kick fook out of the wife.
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  18. 'Like' on the basis that I detect 'tongue in cheek' otherwise 'dislike'! :biggrin:
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  19. Scottish Nationalist Party.....................The PC brigade would argue that they are morally defending their cultural historical position.

    Now if we created an English Nationalist Party we would be branded as intolerant, racist, you name it by all the PC do-gooders. It feels to me that being anything but English is good but if I want to parade my Englishness I am some sort of evil pariah. There is never an opportunity to declare that I'm English on official forms and when ordering on the internet the only option for delivery is to the United Kingdom. If the Scots do break away at least that will have to change!!

    Farage is no different than Salmond except that he is considerably more eloquent and sensible when he speaks
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  20. I hope Scotland gets Independence!! First thing they should do is get rid of that eyesore on there beautiful landscape - Faslamabad!
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