916 916sp3

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Steve Whitton, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. Hi
    Thinking of selling my beloved SP3, very nice condition 15,000miles but needs tyres any ideas on current prices



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  2. Don't do it....!
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  3. Thinking of upgrading to an SPS, the later type with ohlins forks
  4. Ok, fair enough... :) No idea what they're worth though as I have heard such a wide range of values but it probably just depends on the day and how much someone wants one. It's a lovely bike so GLWS.
  5. Hi Steve,both are great spec 916/996 models.:upyeah:
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  6. @Messer might have an idea.

    Have you also checked Bonhams/Coys/H&H auctions to see if any went through there the past couple of years?
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  7. Sorry can’t really help with the value and price of the sp3 my focus has really been on the SPS bikes

    bike specialists in Leeds have a 4K mile 996SPS ohlins for 20k, but I’d have thought on a normal day an ohlins 996 would be about 15 ish.

    I’d have thought the sp3 is going to be similar so should have to spend too much to swap
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  8. Why not just get some Ohlins and put them on the SP?
    Keep the original Showas and then swap back when you sell.
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  9. Make him a offer he can't refuse.:thinkingface:
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