1200 DVT 1200 Or 1200s?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Longdog, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. It’s always about your arse Peter...
    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. Something to bear in mind, I have a non S 1200 DVT . Pannier options are limited because of the manual suspension adjustment. Givi only list frames for the S. Apparently you can move the adjuster but I am not sure how much work it is.
    Strangely they list frames for the standard 950 which doesn't look much different.
    I ended up buying Ducati Panniers.
  3. What !!! Wait..... which tyres are best then, I didn't know you could get others, pls advise.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  4. I'm on my 4th and 5th Mutley's and I love them... Faults and all.
    Crappy front screen noise and lack of a back brake.

    • Sort the seat to suit your arse.
    • Fit a Pikes Peaks screen - It cuts all the wind noise out and stops you speeding above 150Mph
    • De -Exhaust Valve it, better still a decat and remap.
    • Sort Back brack bleeding arrangements.
    Never ridden a DVT, just didn't like the looks, stuck on plastic badges etc.

    Perhaps I'll get the V4 version?

    Still after a low mileage MK1 Pikes Peak.
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  5. That's something worth commenting on. There is a preload adjuster relocation kit that is listed for the 950. IT ALSO FITS THE 1200 DVT and 1200 PIKES PEAK. Givi do not make this clear, but I fitted it to my own DVT and have the pics to prove it.


    Preload adjuster relocation kit.

    This means you can run the PLR7406CAM Givi frames / panniers.
    • Useful Useful x 2
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  6. May be not... I didn't realise that had all dropped that much, looking at Fleabay.
  7. The Red is definitely faster than most colors other than White.
    Reason being is that White is unquestionably a lighter color than Red.
    A lighter bike is faster than a heavy one, all things being equal.
    This is probably why Ducati changed the Pikes Peak color from Red to White.
    Saving weight wherever they can. It's just logical.
    #30 DarR, Jun 19, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
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    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Well they got the White decision 33.333333% correct.
  9. A 1200S from 2012 is a great bike ( I wouldn’t go any earlier).
    I’ve ridden the Skyhook and DVT but a good 1200S that’s been sorted Is brilliant. By that I mean a good decat pipe, exhaust valve deactivated, fuelling sorted (CJS does a great job and deactivates the ex valve at the same time) and an Ohlins Suspension Control Unit to give a semi active ride would make a great bike. just trading my 1200 S Touring in after 8 years. 34000 virtually trouble free miles Best bike I’ve ever had, bar none!
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  10. 2 things you need to do, wether it be a S or base model.
    • Buy the big Givi touring screen
    No wind noise, but it does become more involving at custodial speeds
    • Buy the tourtech comfort seat, it’s sublime
    Yes, it’s expensive, but it is excellent, best decision I ever made.
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