Ducati 851/888 Forum

Discussion in '851 / 888' started by ducati dad, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. Paulo Casoli WSS 1997 (modernish, to an old chap like me)
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  2. They are barred from competing, too fast.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. Wet dreams are NOT reality my friend.
  4. A world championship is a world championship in anybody's book,so fairplay to him.
  5. I remember Tony Perrin crashing that at Cadwell leaving pit lane...he was a real knobhead (and still is) but tbf to him he did pay to get it back to what it was.

    Many of us expected him not to.
  6. I remember him pretending to be asleep, while someone was creeping about his flat.
  7. I remember him cheating and running off and never admitting it...a 15st guy on a 583 outdragging a 620 with a 9st jockey up the hill at Castle Combe (and he wasn't lapping a slower rider ;) )

    And didn't him and Chas have a fight at a Hotel end of year race do?!
  8. Fire alarm??

    He was in the Aus army y'know....desk jockey.
  9. something jockey...
  10. I have so much love and respect for the yellow... am down to only two yellow bikes now and arguably they’re more orange.
  11. I'm pulling your leg,as i'd have a 900 Superlight in yellow over a red one.....but then again maybe both colours in the garage would suit my mood swings.:thinkingface:
  12. Not sure if it's only me @Steve Robins but my donation to the 851/888 Forum has not been accepted yet, I must have done it over 2 weeks ago.
  13. what bike do you have, dude?
  14. Hi Ian,i don't have a 888 or superlight at the minute,as i'm still looking for the right one.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. I've held back on my promised donation until the query over .com or .net is sorted.
    The old forum was .com(and the old/new front page still shows the paypal address as the same?) but someone's bought up that domain, so the new forum is .net
    I'll E-mail Marvin later on this weekend and try to clear it up.

    Steve R
    • Like Like x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. #116 Desmonut, Jul 7, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
    • Like Like x 4
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. It is up and running.
  18. just for ref: my donation to Email given on resurrected site was rejected two days ago.
  19. Marvin (site admin) is contacting Jimmy (site owner) to get the details for Paypal donations updated.
    Jimmy doesn't often visit the site these days, so he's more than likely unaware that people are trying to contribute to it's upkeep.

    Steve R
  20. I'm a new member on the 851/888 Forum which I'm using as a resource for knowledge so I'll know what I'm looking at when I buy one.

    From what I've read on here, Jimmy really needs to relinquish responsibility for the site so it can be run effectively, and survive.
    The way he's acting it will go down again, members will lose patience, and not keep supporting his indifference towards it. He's lucky to have people trying to send him money, not to ensure it can be received at the same time as reviving the site is just incompetent.

    • Agree Agree x 3
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