How Many Relay On The Garage.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by garyhoos1, Jun 20, 2020.

  1. Its very hard to find one to trust, but once you do... keep them close.
    £30/hr or £165/hr?
    I doubt there's £5/hr difference for the guy with the actual spanners.

    Its the money grabbing bosses that make all the wonga.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Don't you love Monday mornings when the weekend mechanics have been under the bonnet and they are queued up and on the phone " i only done this and done that and it won't go now ". Back of the queue.
  3. you dont see to much of that anymore. buuuuut, funnily enough i did have a newish scorocco in for some work through the week apparently needing a wheel bearing and drive flange because the lad couldn't get all his wheel bolts back in after he did his own pads and disks.
    the fud, (sorry, customer) hadn't lined up one of his brake disks properly but still somehow got 4 of the 5 in. wtf?
    • WTF WTF x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. i just remembered we are meant to be dead today ? Then i just remembered my Dad . Now i just remembered i got two sons who up to now haven't remembered me. Fvckers.
  5. send em round. i will apply the appropriate amount of Attitude tax.
  6. oops Phone call from younger 250 miles away, and a text from elder who is in next village just got up down later.
    happy Dad now.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. fecking great. i've got bills to pay.
  8. well, get on with it Jack Flash..
  9. nah. can pay, wont pay.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. What the ones that have quite often risked everything at some point to launch, nurture, build and grow a business, often remortgaging homes, grafting 14 to 16 hours a day before a business takes off and carries all the risk and responsibilities to keep it going when it gets tough.

    Yeah, just money grabbing bosses aren't they?
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Will we be seeing your tv debut on channel5, where the high court writ enforcers come to pay a visit?
  12. nah, but you might see me on a wanted picture nailed to a post next to some highway or another..
    joking aside. i have no debt. i will go hungry before i renege on a debt.
  13. I think he meant finm who spends all his time on here while his guys do the work... :eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. says the guy with a much higher post count than me.
  15. I do all my own bike servicing and maintenance.

    Quite enjoy getting stuck in, best way to learn the bike.
  16. tbh, i really cant be arsed anymore. personally i only want to press a button and ride, tho circumstances will probably necessitate me having to learn a few of the service adjustments.
  17. Calm doon :bucktooth:
  18. calming down now sir.
  19. :cold_sweat::upyeah:
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