This gay marriage thing.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, May 19, 2013.

  1. I would much prefer kids to reach puberty or above before they establish whether they are gay or not, rather than educating /exposing primary school kids in matters of homosexuality; so at least they don't grow up thinking it is a fashion that has to be adopted which is what I think is happening these days.

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  2. Oh dear you'll be telling us they might catch it next . Being gay or straight isn't a life style choice or an attempt to be cool , it isn't a trend like the latest trainers or iPhone . Sexuality is largely decided at birth and no amount of indoctrination or education is going to make a gay kid straight or a straight kid gay .
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  3. although it might make some gay kids chew the cud, and straight kids chew the sausage...down the years its made enough gay kids/adults commit in the big scheme of things...
  4. If gay marriage has something to do with religion and religion is a load of dross, then I don't mind much one way or the other. I have a job working myself up for deluded people's rights. Having said that, I think you have a right to be deluded whether you are gay or straight. If you subscribe to a religion which doesn't like more fool you.

    It's a bit like women bishops. Why would any sensible woman want to become one?
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  5. Wrong just wrong that's my view and I'm entitled to it as much as the other view. Never mind religion moral etc its just plain against nature. We are all here to procreate and that just aint going to happen same sex. You just don't see nature going for the rusty sheriffs badge when you watch the discovery channel.
  6. Congratulations on missing the point by the proverbial mile.

    There's a legal difference between a married couple and a couple in a civil partnership; it's not about the church at all.

    As human beings we should all have the same basic human rights, and that includes being "married" should we want to.

    It's called "human rights" because they should apply to every human, not just the straight ones. Or the black ones. Or the whites ones. Or the male ones. Or the ones that have specific jobs. Or the ones that were born in specific families. ALL of us.

    My kids don't see different races at school. They understand what racism is, but don't understand why anyone would be like that. I love that; it's the way it should be.

    I tell my kids that I am proud of who they are not what they are. We've often broached the subject of gay men and lesbian women and they understand perfectly what this means, but they know that me and the missus will love them whatever because they are our children; being straight or gay or lesbian will not change that. I would not want to deny them any rights in this world, so why should I deny those rights to anyone else's children because they are gay, straight, black or white?

    The first image I posted says it all: in 40 years time those who voted against it will look like the fools they are.
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  7. Actually

    regardless of your views what you are arguing against has nothing to do with marriage. If as you seem to be suggesting the only reason we marry is to have children then by that logic the infertile shouldn't be allowed to marry and those that choose not to reproduce should be forcibly divorced.
    Marriage is a society's way of acknowledging two people's commitment to each other and their love for each other. Denying that societal acknowledgement to any group seems to me to be unnecessarily discriminatory.
    Using my standard measure for these things, the Daily Mail seems opposed to Gay Marriage so I'm in favour.
  8. Really? why do some want to change it?
  9. If we are going to redefine marriage why limit it to just two people ?
  10. Nope, you read far to much in it. IE you just made that up all by yourself. IE by your thinking I should go out and buy a news paper. The only statement I will stand by is Gay is wrong in my view. I don't have any reason to fight my view so that's all I'll say on the matter.
    #50 Gbyte666, May 20, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
  11. Sexuality and gender are entirely separate.

    Regarding sexuality I think there is a spectrum with hetero at one end, homo at the other and bi in the middle; we each have a range of comfort somewhere within that spectrum.
  12. Because there isn't a mass of polygamists asking for it for starters.
  13. Look.....It's bl**dy simple........

    For hundreds of years, certain types of blokes have gone around shagging each other.....

    And for hundreds of years it has been illegal.....

    Then bowing to pressure (I won't say public pressure becaue that is all inclusive) Governments made it legal for blokes to shag each other.......or so as not to deny them having a loving relationship.

    Again bowing to pressure, Governments seem to be going to allow gays to get married.

    However, for hundreds of years blokes have gone around shagging animals.......

    And for hundreds of years it has been illegal.......

    So on the face of it I guess Governments will eventually bow to pressure and make it legal......Probably because it won't be politically correct to to deny a person to have a loving relationship with their pet.

    And then it will legalise marriage after more pressure.

    I wonder when the first marriage will take place between a bloke and his pet goat?
    #53 Ghost Rider, May 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2013
  14. Goats are literally incapable of giving their consent*, so bestiality is not the same thing as homosexuality. Straw man.

    Hmm, should straw men be allowed to marry?

    * God knows, I've tried.
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  15. They don't have to stand there, do they?
  16. What about the Mormons, and there are one or two sects in the NE of Scotland that would welcome it.
  17. Practically begging for it.
  18. ho hum...

    what a load of cobblers...youre entitled to your view, no matter has misinformed, but at least look at the evidence...Homosexual practices may be distasteful to you, i dont get a buzz from it either, but i respect the rights of someone else to live their lives without other people imposing their belief system on them..if those people arent hurting anyone else then i dont see a problem....

    The 'against nature' so-called argument is used against interracial relationships, and thats a load of balls too.

    Whats more against nature than celibacy? thats a perversion, but if someone chooses celibacy and doesnt turn into a child raping priest (as usually happens) then thats up to them...

    Theres plenty you dont see on the discovery channel, and sadly people with bigoted views will write in complaining no doubt....mostly religious nutters. Gay people can do what they like with each other in my opinion. it doesnt affect me. I certainly wouldnt hate on anyone for being much of London its an everyday occurance to see homosexuals together..big deal. id rather that than living in a world of intolerance...might as well move to Saudi..countless gay men get beaten up or take their own lives due to persecution and the fear of coming out because of peoples THAT is someting i can get disgusted about..If i had gay child it would break my heart to think that they couldnt express their love for someone for fear of being kicked to death but a brain dead fucktard (who is probably so far in the closet that there are in Narnia).

    I dont want to see gay men and women slobbering all over each in the street, and i dont want to them 'showing off' and rebelling...i also dont want to see spotty heterosexuals slobbering and snogging in public...its just all a bit immature..

    FYI, homosexual behaviour is commonplace in the animal kingdom..even prostitution is commonplace amongst monkeys, primates, gibbons etc...exchanging sexual favours for food, status and the like...

    1,500 animal species practice homosexuality

    i never thought id stick up for gay rights....
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  19. there is no reason...if a couple/trio are in a polyamorous relationship and are happy then so what?

    anyway the origins of marriage were PRE CHRISTIAN. it was a way for a man to have status and chattle. the wife was part of that arrangement..the christians hijacked marriage (like most other things that were popular) to gain power.

    Pagans and countless others practised different forms of marriage centuries before christianity was invented. Our culture says one man, one thats our bias as 'normal' other cultures a man may take many wives, in other cultures, the woman may take many husbands (although this is much rarer).

    In the animal kingdom, the dominant male has a hareem. the males compete for mating do we, but in our culture we settle on one partner, and then often commit adultery, because essentially, humans are not that monogomous..

    Its all in the size of the testicles folks....bigger testicles in primates = more promiscuity...

    Chimps have the biggest nads of the lots and are totally unfaithful..humans are in the middle-quite faithful but are tempted to cheat if they can get away with it..gorillas have very small testes and pair bond for life..

    One simply has to accept the evidence and form their opinions on that and accept their own prejudices and stupidity..THATS the human accept the differences in others is the HUMANE condition (did you see what i did there?)

    So in summary..

    it REALLY is a load of bollocks.
    #59 funkyrimpler, May 20, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
  20. Yes, that's exactly the same :rolleyes:
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