Calling All R Owners, Well Nearly All

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by West Cork Paul, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. I’m lucky Mario was working the day mine was built then :upyeah:
  2. Blorange a mountain near Abergavenny
    • Useful Useful x 2
  3. The following documents I have collected might help the discussion?

    Ducati Panigale R VIN and Engine decode.jpg Ducati VIN Code Details.png Ducati VIN Code.png DucatiEngineData1.png DucatiEngineDataFormat1.png DucatiVINData1.jpg DucatiVINData2.png

    I hope they are useful.

    I believe the US Panigale R engine numbers follow the code:

    4 = New SBK.
    B = Twin Cylinder 90deg Liquid cooled.
    V = 1198cc liquid fifth step (1199 superlegerra).
    x = Year (G=2016).
    '*' = Sequential engine number.

    The Italian registration document code for the engine is: 1198WL.

    The categories seem to follow relevant parts of the code provided to the US government by Ducati for a MY14 VIN, as above.


    Ducati Panigale R VIN and Engine decode.jpg

    Ducati VIN Code Details.png

    Ducati VIN Code.png






    • Thanks Thanks x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. True: Postings #25 and #26 also refer.
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