Farage: Are the Scots Rascist?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, May 18, 2013.

  1. In the Socialist Republic everything is free.

    Labour lost the plot some years ago in Scotland and the SNP benefitted as a result.

    Scotland, particularly outside of the central belt, is conservative with a small c, I am puzzled as to why the Conservatives don't do better.
  2. Because the Conservatives stopped being conservative with a small c about the time of Maggie Thatcher. They are now Business with a big B.
  3. Don't make statements like that, Royum Longshanks will get upset as he doesn't understand the subtlety of irony or sarcasm.
  4. the Illuminati?
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  5. because they think that the conservatives are c*nts with a big C?
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  6. Salmond is the only leader with a majority gvt in the UK. That in a PR system that was designed to make sure that one party alone could not govern.

    he is only fulfilling his manifesto commitment. Hardly murdering and bombing.

    either way its not his choice, its down to how people vote.

    after UKIP doing well and Denis Healys confession at the weekend there has been a big jump in the polls for a yes vote.

    i do believe when the English press get around to exposing UKIP for what it is its support will fall away.

    I agree Scottish MPs should not be voting on English matters, its just wrong. If the UK is to stay as 4 counties it will have to go down the LibDems route of a federalist state. Most people here would accept that, with the exception of Trident. Trouble is Uncle Dave insisted on no third option. He really has painted himself into a corner.

    on independence - separatism is evil. You can't have any more powers.
    on Europe - separatism is good, we want powers back.
    On trying to get elected - Britain is broken, its labours fault.
    on independence - we are better together, the UK is great.

    he is all over the place
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  7. Put it this way, we have more pandas than Tory MPs.
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  8. I have a relation (born in England with one Scottish parent) who pisses me off with his Scottish this and Scottish that, even gave my grandkids and his dog Scottish names......and then again I have a great Scottish mate who is a member of UKIP and thinks the SNP is nuts. So it varies....a lot.
    Just take the leader of the Irish River Dance, Michael Flatley, who has just changed over to British citizenship, and says London is the centre of everything and wants his son raised here. It's a funny old world full of all sorts of people, innit?
  9. I used to teach a very well respected lawyer (if there is such a thing) called Scott Slorach (look him on tinterweb)....he used to romp around in tartan suits ffs...lived in england since he was about 10..got an english wife and kids and never shut up about bleedin scotland..constantly slated England..to my face...he couldnt understand it when i told him to get a grip and reminded him of how well he'd done out of the english educational and legal system (he was a senior lecturer at Nottingham Uni)...grade A twot..

    Then theres the former student who was a director of BASF..(remember their VHS cassettes?)...he and his exec mates were invited to watch France v England Rugby in Paris, exec box, sausage rolls and carpet..not him though..he thought it would be really helpful to slap his hosts hospitality in the face and impress his english 'friends' by standing out on the terraces in the pissing rain with the French fans cheering them on...fkn petty little bell end..and the French would undoubtedly think 'sacre bleu' (glidd can help on the translation) 'whats this english/british knobber doing with us?'....

    Youve got to admit..this is the exact type of self destructive tedious and pointless behaviour that many scots are infamous for..banter my arse..fkn pin headed witlessness...as an englishman, im always waiting for the BS to start when im in the company of scots, and ive found that they are either total and utter knob heads or pure and utter class with nothing but nothing in between..it all seems so, well, so fkn jealous and insecure...and boring and predictable...

    If the Taliban bombed trafalgar square id bet my life that some fekkwits would be dancing in Princes Street wearing kilts, ginger wigs and chugging cans of wife beater...even if it were only 1%, its still 100% more than the other way round...they can advertise 'visit scotland' as much as they like but i aint ever gonna go back there..shame, coz some scots are cool as fekk...and the scotsmen i like, i really admire and love...more than any other nation probably...a nation of extremes in certain cases.
    #49 funkyrimpler, May 20, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
  10. Well I was down at the moto gp last yr and england were playin some in some footy tourney(we wernt in it as usual because we are pish) was in the local pub for some munchies and the slaggin I got when they heard I was scottish was rather funny. I am sure some people would have got annoyed at the banter. Didnt bother me in the slightest, ended up havin a right good laugh with some scouse lads the rest of the night. There were a couple of knobs but their is in any pub in any country. Am I scottish..yes. am I british...yes. hope to stay both. To me the snp are a bunch of wankers who I wouldnt piss on if they were on fire(especially that odious little cunt in charge)
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  11. you see? youre on my level....you'd prob get a bit tired of the rib tickling though if u had to endure it morning, noon and night, or had some english knob at your work poncing around in a bowler hat all day long.
  12. I worked in the whisky biz for 12 years and consequently had a lot to do with the Scots and often went to Scotland. I have to say that all the people who worked in the company in Scotland were so pleasant and way nicer than I think an equivalent crowd of English people would have been. When I visited one of our bottling plants in Kilmarnock (sadly no more) my name was written up in lights: "Kilmarnock welcomes Gliddofglood". I couldn't believe it. And I was a brand manager in Switzerland at the time - not exactly a company honcho. I'd only been with the firm a month.

    I could cheerfully live in Scotland, were it not on the road to nowhere with shite weather. It's a beautiful place with top hotels, traditions and food. But.... it has to be said that the architecture is either sublime or vomit inducing. You either stay in top country hotels in castles, or in vile pebble-dashed hovels. Fortunately with the company footing the bill, it was always the former.

    But if Scotland wanted to be independent, I wouldn't care one way or the other. I bet they are a lot more viable than Latvia, or Montenegro, or Moldova. There's the oil, the tourism and the whisky. That's not a bad start. In fact, I'm not so sure it would be bad for England. It's about time England owned up to being England instead of continually playing the British card and diluting its own identity.

    Foreigners visiting Britain: there are only 3 real destinations: they go the south coast to learn English - Eastbourne, Bournmouth - to London because it's an exciting major city, and then they high-tail it up to Scotland. They have never heard of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales, Devon & Cornwall, Costwolds etc etc.
  13. That's right, no one outside the UK has ever heard of Liverpool and the Beatles or Manchester United or the Eden Project etc etc
  14. They've heard of them. They just don't want to visit them.

    Believe me: I've spent the last 25 years with foreigners and this is what they tell me.
  15. As someone said earlier, Nigel Farage, far from being an alternative to the establishment, couldn't be much more establishment if he tried really - an English (not a pejorative) public school educated gent....bit like much of the cabinet really.

    I'm a Scot who has been living in England since 2002. I came down here to go to university (a prestigious institution in the SE), met my current missus who is a career civil servant in Whitehall so I've never really left. Since I've been down here I have found the English, on a whole, to be a fair minded, reasonable bunch of people. However, there is an ingrained belief in English society that England subsidises Scotland. and that they are being ripped off by us, and that we run their country. It's very evident from a number of contributors on this thread. It simply isn't true.

    I guess they missed all the years that the Conservatives were in power, with an ever decreasing number of Tory MPs, so that the country was essentially run as a colony by a parliament its people didn't vote for....People used to object to Brown as PM - it's supposed to be the United Kingdom at the moment, why can't a Scotsman by PM? Would people have reacted the same with a Welsh or NI premier?

    The Scottish Parliament can't borrow money, so has to manage its money. It can raise taxes to generate money from the Westminster block grant, but has never chosen to do so. So if there's free personal care, free tuition fees (or rather, fees paid back after graduation to be correct), the question shouldn't be "Why have the Jocks got that?" but instead "Why isn't that the case in England?"

    I'm pro-independence. Financially speaking, Scotland can manage fine on its own. Politically speaking, it's fairer to have a government you did vote for, rather than one you didn't - Westminster has, to me, always represented the tyranny of the majority rather than the democratic will of the people of Scotland - and always will as England is by population a much larger country.

    However, my views wouldn't change with a Labour or Lib Dem government. The people in England aren't bad, they're just different, and have a different outlook on most of the issues of the day. But I'm not a believer in staying on in a relationship that has drifted apart.
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  16. Similar to you Stuart. I lived in London for 14 years and my experience of English people is that for the most part they are pure class. As friendly, welcoming and hospitable people as you will find anywhere. You get the odd knob but you get that everywhere.

    I am also pro Indy for the same reason as you. There is a difference between rejecting the establishment and rejecting English people. It's the former that has done the damage to the relationship between the two countries not the latter. Key figures in the establishment being Thatcher, Blair and Brown. The latter two forgetting where they came from and operating under some delusion that their role is defined as some superior ruling class put there to save the English from themselves. Have a google on that. It's astonishing. Remember Browns "saved the world" slip of the tongue. the fcker believes it.We want ordinary punters running our affairs, as so far they have done a really good job.

    People in England have their problems and a vision how to solve them. People in Scotland have different problems and have a different view. It's as simple as that.

    Now to the oft quoted, free education prescriptions etc. yes that is the case, but I can assure having used both health services recently, aspects of the English NHS are miles ahead of Scotland. Cancer treatment being one. Both countries have drugs approved in their jurisdiction but not the other. It's about choices. The claims stirred up by the daily mail are divisive bollocks.

    Having said that, If people in England really wanted free prescriptions and Uni education they should have voted lib dem. no point in complaining to us if you had the choice and decided against it. You may as well go and buy a Honda and then moan at me its not a Ducati. I didn't choose it.
    #56 749er, May 20, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
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  17. i often find many english have a post empire arrogance...also England is used as a label to mean Britain..some english really do think Britain is England...that said, most foreigners view England as Britain..

    Personally i want England to mean England...we (England) have lost our way and our own identity has been submerged because we are embarrassed about being proud and because far right nutters, including the tories have hijacked our national flag and tried to bastardise into a 'brand'...fekk that.

    Im happy for all of the countries in the union to be independant..i think that it would be good for England.
    We have thousands of years of history between us...most of it very solid and peaceful. Most of us are the result of 'mixed marriages' at some point..my surname is Lloyd, so somewhere down the line my family were Taffies..im proud of the fact..

    Weve all collectively got to over the fact that we (all) had a British Empire..not because WE wanted it, but because the aristocracy wanted power and to spread the word of god and civilise all of the savages that were doing perfectly well until we (British) went in with our shiney shoes and pith helmets and raped the places....

    Nothing will change our histories, and i would hope that when we eventually gain independance that we will all pull together when the shit hits the fan elsewhere in the world..the toffs dont want it because theyre worried about maintaining the status quo...

    A lot of Brits need to get their heads out of their arses and move on from digging up meaningless historical wars (usually religious or monarchist in origin) a millenia ago...who really gives a shit about robert the bruce or guy fawkes or whoever....none of us were even thought of....its part of our past, we should learn it, understand it and get it over it.
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  18. sadly a lot did and that slime ball clegg (who will spend the rest of his life in the political wilderness) got into bed with cameron and his Bullingdon luvvies...

    England should be ashamed that is doesnt offer free education and is allowing cameron to dismantle the NHS...unfortunatley our country can simply no longer support its massive population..its one of the most densely populated countries in the developed world, far, far in excess of scotland which is virtually empty.
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  19. I just fear if scotland got independence then england would eventually be flooded with economic peasants from the north
    taking english jobs.
    but worse - they may bring scottish women with them...

    I like the scots...I think every englishman should own one x
    #59 Phill, May 20, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
  20. I find it amusing (read NOT) that the Welsh, Scottish and Irish have their own assemblies yet England doesn't. I also find it racist,it is - fact, that if you are English even living in Scotland uni isn't free like it is for most of Europe and the Scottish. Similar in Wales and NI too. Are the English a race? Therefore they are racist. Fact
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