The Trackday Conundrum

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by bradders, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. No Karen's from the Ducati forum.

    Job sorted.
  2. i like Karen.....
  3. I admit to being the slowest rider in a beginner group, many years ago. Came away slower and terrified of road traffic (weird).
    It did not last.
    Next track day many years later on my multi 1200, as a seasoned quickish rider, I was looking at some “quick” riders and thinking, not safe and out of their depth. Just to match my very average speed they were un safe.
    Testosterone plays a big part. Bollocks are bigger than talent. Fireblade with slicks, does not mean MM is on board.
    Trackdays need to be managed. Peo0le cannot it seems manage themselves.
    Just because you can pass does not mean you should.
    Ost experienced group riders can recognise when riding on the road, overtaking ‘could’ put someone at risk. Same applies.
    A race is a race. Trackdays, experience and practice.
  4. Some only have 5 sessions, most 6. Hence it may be one unworkable. You could end up in every group in one day! If you go out in fast, but should be in novice, but novice follows fast, do you miss a session or go straight out again?

    multiple days /euro events are different imo
  5. If you’re, say, a Silverstone specialist you may be fast. Go to far we’ll, about as different as you can get, and you may be novice/inters pace.

    You’d have to track riders across tracks & companies & conditions.
  6. I'm just going by what I've seen for trackdays in Sweden. Single or multiple days. This wasnt across the board.
    Some TDOs timed, others just used their group rider observations.
    If folk want it to work, its doable. If folk don't, then they will throw every trick or complaint they can to make it fail.
    I guess it's up to everyone to decide which side of the fence they want to be on.
    Personally, after 25 yrs of track riding I am happy to fend for myself, but a lot of folk aren't.
    Ultimately, any improvement in safety has to be a bonus.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. There is an awful lot of bikes with numbers on at Mallory this morning........
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. It's like a CB500 meet. And most look to be in Inters :cold_sweat:
  9. They are too slow for fast probably, bearing in mind that they will be flat out at not much over 110
  10. most of the TD in Holland, Germany and even Poland last year are using transponders.
    you many not get your times printed out, ( lessens the TDO insurance loading) but give s the TDO the ability to see if there are some misplaced riders.
    on 'cheaper' TDs i see groups wanting to ride together with a varying ability this si where the danger lies in m opinion, as i normally run at the back of the Fast group and have had slower riders close the door on corners that would not be possible if the speed was similar /grouped correctly. but on the other hand i have moved down a group when not keeping up etc.. no one likes to be the mobile Schikane /braking marker i guess :)
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  11. This is something I really don’t understand. Riding in a group with your mates around a track?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. i think all the low level racers should be banished to mallory.......horrible mickey mouse place...
  13. It’s called fun Ash. Some lads like to do track days and have some fun. Which I totally get.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. 'Fun' oh yes....I remember fun...:D
    • Like Like x 2
  15. Much rather be in advanced group with racers than advanced group with people who arent as good as their bikes.
    Once overtaken in the middle of Croft chicane by two BSB riders. Hard but fair and they didnt back off. Wanna be riders who stomp down the straights then panic in corners are much more dangerous.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. There lies the problem key words
    Advanced track day
    Middle of chicane.... ie overtaking in a corner
    Didn’t back off

    Wonder what the rules of engagement given out out at the briefing and every other TD briefing were...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Egg fukken Zactly....
  18. The opposite of that.
  19. I meant they didn't back off in the corner in a panic they did what they needed to do and did it properly. By the time I said WTF they were long gone.
    I don't actually have a problem with that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Sure. It’s nice to watch the pro’s. Even as they fly past you like you’re stood still!
    Ask me how I know :astonished:
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