Panzer Patrol

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by bradders, Jun 26, 2020.

  1. Good looking

    Beauty is in the eye of etc...
  2. Let me know I have a couple of aftermarket cans for sale. Maybe even sell the Yoshi
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  3. Stunning, but why has he turned his back on the other 2 bins? Have they fallen out? :thinkingface:
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  4. I think the triple black is the best colour scheme.
    I nearly bought a pre reg one before I decided to go with the 1250.
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  5. Plenty of space in the panniers for poolside towels....
  6. Hi TT600.
    My Panzer has been waiting patiently in the garage.All serviced with new tyres,fuelled up ready to go.
    I have been under house arrest since March and looking forward to better times.
    I did manage a brief spin on the Scramler a week ago-was really nice.
    Will be looking soon at sensible bikes that I can easily handle.
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  7. How heavy are these bikes fully loaded
  8. Here's mine, being used for what it was meant for :yum IMG_0688.JPG IMG_0625.JPG
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  9. Too heavy to get off the side stand if you park carelessly on a camber..........Go on.....ask me how I know? :rolleyes:

    33L tank that sits high up, for starters :worried:
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  10. D5B1E43A-3668-4FC2-A4CA-BBCC811AFFF2.jpeg 4963205B-162E-4DC9-8454-59A99AEDFCC0.jpeg No point in having one if you don’t use it
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  11. Ha ha
    Whilst I don’t use mine as often as I like, 3 years old and somehow 17k has flown past.
  12. Good shout.
    It is indeed, what a fabulous part of the world to ride a GSA.

    Ok the roads can be somewhat ....erm ...agricultural o_O
  13. A little heavier than the moons of Jupiter...... :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  14. Hhhheeeerrrreeee'ssss Marco. :)
    • Funny Funny x 3
  15. There speaks an ex Boy Scout I reckon. Your better prepared than me!!

    my triumph needed new brake pads and head bearing last dec-got parts waiting.... and 916 needs new brake pads,wheel bearing and MOt.....

    house renovations and home schooling have slightly got in The way-I must follow your example and be better prepared. I have been out in my ‘scrambler’ Though - a pedal powered one.....
    Stay optimistic mervyn you’ll be out and racing around soon! :upyeah:

  16. Noooooo
    I’ve had GSAs for over ten years, they are one of the most capable machines you can buy. More smiles per mile than almost any other bike I know.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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