Farage: Are the Scots Rascist?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, May 18, 2013.

  1. Like they dont already...
  2. What's the difference between racism and xenophobia? Is there one?

    BTW, Scottish is only ever a drink, unless you're an American. They can't seem to master that the population are the Scots.
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  3. Scottish are scots are Scottish...:wink:
  4. Damn it! Bugger. Does this mean that my Scottish Broth soup doesn't contain real Scotsmen? DAMN IT! :mad:
  5. Doesn't contain real Scottish either, sadly.
  6. The millions of "foreigners" you have spent the last 25 years with are obviously not the same ones who have visited places other than Bournemouth, London & Scotland. Millions have.
  7. No doubt. But check out the amount of foreign licence plates cars in the Lake District for example. It's an amazingly well-kept secret. You barely see a foreign car. Not the case in Scotland. I think the English Tourist Board must be doing something wrong.
  8. Or hiring cars with UK plates
  9. It's possible, certainly.
  10. i once heard a yank say that he'd visited lie-cester-shire in scotchland once, i shit you not.
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  11. it made me laugh when alex salmon says scotland can be self sufficient as a country and the maths work...

    ...they couldnt even budget for holyrood.

    one project a few hundred million over budget.

    no politicians should be trusted.
    they all sell you dreams and eventuallly bend you over
    #71 Phill, May 21, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
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  12. Every time I see salmond on the tv I get a urge to chuck something at it( he is on all the bloody time up here) it took them years to come up with the actual independence question itself, trying to word it so as it confuses as many people as possible, also its given him more time to bleat about it as when it gets the no answer(and it will) the tosser wont know where to go from there
  13. That is true of Americans in particular. The like to visit Scotland, England :rolleyes:
  14. Luckily for you and Phil Boag, the English are not a race, otherwise the police would be at your door for some of your remarks on this thread. Seriously, if you swapped "Scots" for "black" your would be answering some tricky questions.

    perhaps you will be surprised to know

    1) my partner is English and is pro Indy, she also has a job here and works with 6 other English people who are pro indy, again all pro Indy. People work all over the place. Independence is not racism. The SNP have English MSPs and cabinet ministers.
    2) its European law that says scottish unis have to give free places to Europeans. It's a problem for us as well.
    and 3) the Scottish government pays the fees for Scots. So it's up to the english government to do the same.

    its all about choices. At the moment some people here are questioning if free prescriptions are a good idea. Maybe if those that could pay, did pay, more cancer drugs could be afforded.
    #74 749er, May 21, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
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  15. I was married to a cracking scots lass, lived in Edinburgh for 3 years and never had any anti English bs to deal with. In general the scots are fine and i' be surprised if the majority really would like devolution and complete self governance.
    unfortunately Alec salmond is most definitely anti English and borders on being a racist.
    If they want independence and the population of Scotland vote for it then fine let them have it but when tax revenue from Westminster stops how will that effect them? What about NHS? Does Westminster simply pull all funding from such public services? Not at all straight forward Mr Salmond .....oh and new research reveals haggis was likely to have originated on our side of the border...Alec will choke on his if he knew that!

  16. Westminster ran the budgets for Holyrood parliament construction.

    it went over budget as it had to be redesigned to withstand terrorist attack.

    scotland is 8.4% of the population and contributes 9.4% of the treasuries income.
    no need to pay for Trident or illegal wars
    we spend less on social services, pensions and benefits than the rest of the UK as a percentage of GDP
    the OECD says Scotland would rank as the 6 wealthiest nation in the world.
    it would have a positive balance of payments due to oil, whisky, computers, food

    So, many have done the Math and even the better together campaign says Scotland can go it alone.

    i am sorry to say, but you can't trust the media, they spin so many lies. At the moment, it is Scotland can't pay its pension bill. In that case neither can the UK.

    either way, I would not feel comfortable leeching of my English friends. It would be like night raids over the border to empty the fridge of someone in Carlisle. So richer or poorer I would just rather have a vote that counted and policies that were relevant.
    #76 749er, May 21, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
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  17. Gild, you clearly haven't been to liverpool and the likes of the Beatles museum which does receive several thousands of visitors annually.....25 years with foreigners? What are you an international human trafficker?
  18. That's as may be but it doesn't half wind the buggers up when you call them Scottish. Which is a good thing IMO :tongue:
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  19. ???? Not sure what you are talking about????

    If you can't face a discussion why are you on a forum?
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  20. Colz, do you really believe that your fellow countrymen will vote no to Scottish independence?I find this interesting because I believe this will most certainly become a reality.Unless I am badly mistaken, Salmond has everything going for him on this issue.
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