I'm gonna be a Dad!!!!!!! Oh &?@&!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by squeezey, May 4, 2012.

  1. Well that's done it !!!

    Just turned 40 had my exit plans sorted in my head (work for myself)

    'er indoors went to have a scan yesterday as she has had a few "women's problems" ??????

    And was told that she didn't have a fluid on her ovaries as suspected,but there was instead a heartbeat and she was approx 8 weeks pregnant!!!!!!! Oh feck...........

    I am absolutely shocked,over the moon,scared etc etc

    Just thought I would share......

    Ps the bike is safe!!!
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  2. Congrats mate! My god thats a bit of a surprise to be told! Your head must be spinning with it. good luck and....get some sleep!
  3. Just think about the good things to look forward to, you will be 57 when you start teaching he or she to drive.
    Congratulations Steve
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Well done mate, all the very best to you and your wife.

    Stinky nappies, sleepless nights, little rugrat getting into all kinds of mischief.............................
    You`ll not know whats hit you.

    Enjoy, its brilliant :upyeah: :biggrin:
  5. Awww great news :)
  6. Cheers guys and girls!

    Head is a bit of a conker really.

    But well pleased, although not one of the plans it's gonna be loved to bits just like I was. luckily the good lady is a few years younger than than me and "comes from good breeding stock" apparently so all good I hope.

    Talk about life begins at 40

    January I surprised my parents and Anne and took them all to new York for a long weekend,Feb we flew out to cape verde for some r&r,March I turned 40,April I got another dvt (long story ongoing thing) got all clear blah blah blah. Then May I find out I am gonna be a dad and we still have 7 months to go this year!!

    The best thing so far was last night why I was trying to get off to sleep the last thing she said to me was "you're gonna be a great dad" .......

    Sorry for the rambling
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  7. Fantastic news, I was 38 when my daughter was born. Your life will change forever, there's nothing like the love you'll have for that little person, something I couldn't understand until she arrived. It's hard work, but worth every second, even when you feel like screaming! :upyeah:
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  8. sod that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .......i'd be looking for my passport......you best get out and ride ......lots!!!!!!!!! you have 7months GO.....
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Nicely done Duke, the poor bloke thinks he`s gonna be able to keep his bike, and still ride it.
    Then you come along, and beat him mercilessly with the horrible, inevitable truth :rolleyes:
    Could have left him blissfully unaware for a bit longer.:biggrin: :wink: :biggrin:
    #9 Pierre 66, May 4, 2012
    Last edited: May 4, 2012
  10. I guess Congrats mate you done your hardest bit now :cool:
  11. Congratulations. Being a dad is the best thing ever. You're never too old. I'm 49 and our latest was born just 3 weeks ago. The trick is to make sure you keep swapping for a younger model if you want to keep reproducing. I'd have another 10 if I could. I love 'em.
  12. Congrats Squeezy!

    I love my two boys - they're getting to the stage where they're developing a proper sense of humour and we can stay out at the cinema until 10. But I wouldn't want a new one. Oh no!
  13. Congratulations. Its a frightening thing for you especially if its your first but that will just melt away as soon as you hold the baby. Rather you than me though. Got lots of grandkids they are far better cos you giv em back when your fed up
  14. Congrats M8,

    The bike might be safe, but you can forget about having time to use it :wink:

    You'll have an amazing time with a little un tho....once the early nightmare bit it over....right up until about 13 years later and the nightmare starts again. :eek:

  15. For Sale, 13 year old twins, little use, but expensive to run. Fuel tank seems to never be filled and has a liking for latest electronic gizmos.
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  16. Congratulations :upyeah:
  17. Congratulations, mine are 11 and 12 they are still lovely, they have been generally lovely since they were about 4 and could manage to start to think for themselves. Good luck and enjoy.
  18. Well done ! get ready to feel the love.
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  19. Thanks again guys and girls

    Well apart from a couple of really good mates who we are going to "surprise" tomorrow with the news, everyone has been great! Lads have ripped me apart at work which makes a change as I pay the wages,and after lying in bed this morning looking at pushchair/pram thingys together on the i pad WTF is that all about..............she then suggested we go and have a look for a bigger car for her,kid and stuff dog etc.

    currently she has an audi a1 and its shite, so fast forward 2 hrs and we are speccing up an RR evoque for November delivery................sweet. I am getting used to this dad lark:upyeah:
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  20. Hey squeezey,

    Does the missus know all really good dads in the making have Panigale's on order for November delivery too?

    I think it really is essential for squeezey junior to have a good start in life and how better could it be than to be introduced into a family with big smiles on their face whenever they go into the garage!
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