This gay marriage thing.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, May 19, 2013.

  1. I've got to ask what this stands for!
  2. The legislation which underlies marriage in the law of England & Wales is the Marriage Act 1949. This does not stipulate anywhere that marriage partners have to be male and female. That came in only when the law was changed by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. The main thing done by the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill currently passing through parliament is to repeal the 1973 change, and return to the 1949 Act. So much for the argument that civil authorities 'do not have authority to change the definition of marriage'.

  3. yes but whats acceptable to them and whats acceptable to others is very different and taken in the context of a school playground..

    and yes it is quite feasible that a gay can want to be feminine and dress accordingly. im sure not all do. but looking at a gay pride march I think it can be seen
  4. I had to google that lol
    it beat me too lol
  5. Sadly many children have been subject to a tortured existence because they or their parents are black, jewish, gypsy, disabled, illegitimate, or simply poor. That fact is a problem to be dealt with, but it is no reason for pretending they don't exist or deliberately treating their families even more unfairly.
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  6. I do think that taken in the mindset of that period of time in 1949. that it would be incredible to think that marraige would be anything else other than a man or a woman
    #106 Phill, May 21, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
  7. of course the colour of ones skin cannot be chosen.

    but this is a conscious decision made by a panel of others based on their criteria /values of what they think is acceptable for a child to be subject to...
    #107 Phill, May 21, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
  8. Another good point. As someone raised in local authority care. The victimisation experienced by my peers for living in a home was just as bad. Not having the fashionable clothes, not being able to go on the school trips and not feeling wanted. As I said before the gay issue really does fade. As a child in care if I was asked if I would of accepted gay adopters as my parents I would of probably declined due to social prejudice and the fear of acceptance. As a child all I ever wanted was to feel wanted and feel that I belonged. However society has changed and the social prejudice that existed are now reduced and the benefits far out way the negatives. So if I was a child in local authority care now and a gay couple wanted to adopt me I would welcome the fact that someone cared enough to want me in there lives.
  9. I think that it depends on what post code you have frankly.
    it is perhaps more accepted in some areas more than others. certainly where I was brought up youd have the shit kicked out of you for anything that stood out. it was tough. its maybe not as bad now as it was in the 1970s but bye god it was hard

    but in general yes society wrongly has so many many others..

    live and let live
  10. True. My point was that in 1973 the homophobic element were insistent on changing the definition of marriage by law, in a sense adverse to gay people. Today the homophobes argue against the current bill on the spurious grounds that parliament ought never to change the definition of marriage which has been immutable for millennia.
  11. This is food for thought. Thanks for posting, Troy.
  12. oh yes thats a great point. I also do see non functioning families around here where dad spends more time in prison and the kids are out stealing and high on drugs and grow up to be like their dads and have kids they neither can provide for love or want.

    just being devils advocate
  13. ...which unfortunately is a problem with society and not one of having gay parents.

    Look back to the 50s in America and the segregation of "blacks" and "whites". It's something that the majority of people will find abhorrent these days, and the minority should.

    Go back another 125 years and people still kept slaves. That is something which is inconceivable today, and at one point in the future our descendants will look back and wonder how anyone could have voted against gay marriage in the same way we look at slavery today.
  14. Dont you have a slave anymore?..............i have a man servant...
  15. Just the one?
    How do you survive?
  16. Of all the people, it would not surprise me in the least.
  17. I got married for cheaper tax allowances. I'll get divorced for two single pensions.
    But I won't condone gays doing the same.
  18. You say this? With a name like Willythepoo? Is that a nickname or a description of your hobby?


    I'm kidding, it was too funny not to say something :smile:
  19. to compare organised religion to some sort of 'club' is far off the mark in my view and theres plenty of zealouts out there who will be able to quote their instruction manual as grounds for stoning you to death, or at least being denied into the kingdom of never never land...
    some people base their entire world view on this mumbo jumbo and woe betide anyone who doesnt buy into their delusion.
  20. unless you use your religious get out of jail free that case you can say or do pretty much can only preach hate on the streets of this country and we cant even deport those promoting terrorism.
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