Any Employment Lawyers On Here ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Jul 4, 2020.

  1. Only confidential material or sales corridors can be blocked due to beneficial gains, but still have to be proven to be company owned would be truly enforced or given recognition on being breach of contractual obligations, which could be used as a cause of law
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  2. Oh, and when you retire can I have your Elsie please?
  3. Well, I handed my mobile phone back last tuesday, so they might have my landline, but as it shows caller ID, I might be out tomorrow
  4. Youre in the queue Jack !
  5. Tell them to Bugger Off!!!
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  6. Best they can do, and I’ve done lots of times, is remind you of confidentiality
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  7. Or give them my number and i will deal with them on your behalf:upyeah:
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  8. I would say do not take any calls, push them down the road of setting out what their problem is by email to you, which is legit evidence for you. If you are not able to get the advice help you need here(very unlikely!) I do know superb employment lawyers but £££. If you need it . Fingers crossed.

    You say that already they have lost 3 personnel to this company, I would say that’s pissing them off royally and someone up above is demanding action , but not being in the land of reality is not aware it’s a lost cause.
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  9. I reckon you're right there Michael - both companies are national e-retailers with no retail premises, so (as was pointed out previously) God knows what relevance the 100 mile parameter has).....:upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
  10. Ron, Check if you have legal cover on home insurance. We used this once to pay for advice from an employment specialist solicitor.

    Clearly I’m no legal expert myself, but I’d consider just ignoring them for the moment. How much time and effort are they going to put into chasing you on something so petty. Proper legal advice is going to cost em time and money and let’s face it there are a few other things going on In the World that are more important at the moment. Not saying you aren’t important - you own an Elsie so you must be.

    Have seen quite a few f ups by hr in letting people go In recent years from one company that it’s not a big stretch to think that there are many out of date Or unenforceable points in employment contracts out there.

    or is this just a ruse and they are after you for sneaking out with a hot tub on the back of your bike on the last day???
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  11. That made me laugh ! The HR Dept in the old company defies description, and I reckon they've stolen some codecils from other Companies to deter employees from leaving. As I didn't read these, I'm probably hung, drawn and quartered ........
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  12. Cheers - I've sent back this response

    Hi ******

    Since your email last night (Saturday 4th July 2020) I've taken some legal advice in relation to my employment contract with ********.

    I have been advised to request that instead of conversing with you by phone, that you send me any issues or concerns that you may have in writing for my consideration.

    Many Thanks
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  13. Legal advice by commitee, you can't beat it.

    I think you have done the right thing only dealing in writing. It gives you the opportunity to see whats what and take your time. Possibly, your new employer might want to get involved for you.

    All the best

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  14. Fuck 'em !!!
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  15. I was hoping I was first in line for this little cherished gem?

    Just looking through this post wrought is semi retired, thinking maybe I could semi own Elsie on a rotation basis. Say March through to September I cherish it and wrought can have 'ownership' rest of the Months. WinWin in my view.
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  16. a friend of mine won a conflict of interest case that had been written into his contract with one of the Big Franchise dealerships a few years back when he opened his workshop part time before going full time. Scots law might be different in this instance tho i'm sure from memory it related ECHR Law.
  17. Banana skins lay in waiting everywhere inlife Ron,just keep your eyes peeled at all times.
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  18. Send them a dildo in the post and some dick shaped sweets.

    Send it to the HR team.

    Trust me, HR have a great sense of humour.....
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  19. I sympathize ..... it looks like just another form of bullying to me .

    Personally , I would ignore the former employer , fold my arms and simply defy them to start proceedings against me .
    But that's just me , I'm no lawyer , only an interested layman , so I watch these things from the side-lines .

    Here's an interesting recent case .... from only a few centuries back ..... :)
    It involves a gunsmith and the now famous Maxim company .

    From -

    "Restraint of trade is a very old legal concept relating to the right of individuals to do business, or pursue a trade or profession, freely, without restraint.

    The original case which established the concept of restraint of trade was in the 1890s in England.
    Gun manufacturer Thorsten Nordenfelt had sold his business, and the two parties had agreed that the seller ‘would not make guns or ammunition anywhere in the world, and would not compete with Maxim in any way for a period of 25 years
    The case was heard by the House of Lords, which held that:

    The provision prohibiting Nordenfelt from making guns or ammunition was reasonable.
    The provision banning competition 'in any way' was an unreasonable restraint of trade and therefore invalid.

    Restraint of trade establishes a general rule that restraint-of-trade-clauses are void except when they protect a legitimate interest and are reasonable in scope.

    The wiki page is also worth a look , if you haven't already been there .....

    Hope that it all works well for you , whatever you decide to do ....:upyeah:
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