Oh no it doesn’t! Honest! But having spent a bit of time on the bike, I began notice how low it was. I then realised that after having used the reverse shift for a while and loving it, I’d miss it. Looking at the back of the bike, looks like someone has already installed a tail tidy. DP maybe? It has a carbon fibre mat effect to it. A nice pair of the DP led indicators would finish it off nicely. A quick call to MR and all sorted. Should be here in a couple of weeks from now. But that’ll do for the time being.
Curious as the cost of the DP led’s from a dealer as they show up on eBay at well below list occasionally. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/401631351236
MR have them on eBay for about £88 I think. They said they’d do a small discount on them when I asked a couple of days ago. Today I ordered the DP seat, indicators and the reverse quick shifter all in one hit and managed to get a decent chunk off. Think I saved about £50 or so by doing it that way but I don’t remember how much they were individually.
Dammit - I should have been quicker - I have most of those things to sell - just hadn’t got around to listing them!
Lovely buy fella but you only need to ditch the cans and order a clear clutch cover that's it enjoy the wkend
Cheers Chris. Put a few miles on it this morning. Took some time to get used to the front brakes after being used to the rs setup I had on the last bike. But soon got into it. Ordered a few bits for it which I feel it needs. Not going with the underslung pipes for the time being. Getting a side exit pipe and decat.
Just like you said, Tone, loved it. Takes a bit of getting used to, especially the weaker front brakes but right enough. Need to have a dick about with the engine braking setup too. It was a bit too much tbh. I was sliding about no end in the seat but that’s probably due to the textile trousers I was wearing. It’s just so easy to ride fast and a lot better behaved round town. Non of the jerkiness with the older bikes. Job’s a good un.
so, what is wrong with selling a bike once you’ve finished it, may I ask? I had my enjoyment out of the bike, I got my money back, what’s wrong with that?
Great they are a lovely special bikes to ride just got in from my morning blast all smiles... I posted a tread on a de-cat 899 silencer for my 1199s (experimenting) there are some pics to view but I'll keep adding more, painted the covers satin black they'll be cool when done I'm hopeing for more noise! it's like stuffing a sock in Pavarotti's mouth you need to hear them sing lol