It's great to hear so many positive things about the bike! Sometimes it can feel a bit daunting being a female and having to go around looking at bikes, no-one I know owns a Ducati
No one I know owns a Ducati either, I didn’t realise the following Ducati have. Servicing costs are a bit steep though, wife isn’t impressed with the quote I’ve had, oh well, she’ll get over it
They're somewhat contagious, if your friends are into bikes it probably won't take long for someone else to get one. Good to be different, they usually draw some attention at stops. Like other Italian brands there's an element of 'theatre' about them; the sound, styling and presence.
Yes I have some friends that are into bikes. I also have a Goldwing Trike that I rode on my car licence before taking my bike test. I still have it but it's left in the garage most of the time. I think it will be sold next year One has already been looking at the 1200s and a possible change from the KTM SD1290