Hello From Central France

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by thebiglad, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. Welcome - As an inhabitant of West Yorks, the french accent has a certain je ne sais quoi :cool:
  2. "Ye can whip are cream, but ye can't beat it" - born in York, brought up in Leeds.

    I'm doin' bloody marvelous thanks very much :p:p


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  3. Very good Ron, This has "style".
  4. Looking to move to midi -Pyrenees / languedoc area in 2021, so please feel free to pm some advise, mainly about which forums to extract info from for buying of property, health insurance , taxation etc( under new rules) and tips on what not to do, always handy to know stuff from people who been through all that before! Thanks.
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  5. Hi there, I've been living in France for the last 18 yrs and during that time french admin systems have gone through lots of modernisation with many things being dealt with on-line, rather than locally.

    It is important to note that the UK govt. are contemplating coming out of the agreement to pay for UK pensioner healthcare costs from the 1st Jan 2021.

    Here is a list of priorities for your consideration :

    1. Establish your permanent base in France, as quickly as possible ;

    2. Once you have moved over, start the application process to join the French health system immediately, THIS IS VITAL ! I have known several Brits over the years who didn't and had to pay for their health costs which nearly bankrupt them !!!

    3. Registering UK vehicles in France. The process is quite straightforward but there are hidden traps. For example there is a one-off cost for the Carte Grise (french reg. doc.), the amount being dependant on the "puissance fiscale" of the vehicle. However, if the vehicle is 10 yrs old or older the cost is 50% of the normal rate.

    Sometimes a document called a Certificat de Conformité Européen is required - this will cost between 150€ and 350€ depending on make of vehicle. However if the vehicle is 1st reg. in the UK after 2012 it (the COC) it is usually not required. Headlights however may need to be changed to achieve the correct dipped beam pattern.

    4. You will need to establish a French bank account asap to evidence that you are here permanently and definitively.

    5. Re taxation, you don't need to join the French "Impôts" system until the year after your first full year in France. So for example if you moved over sometime in 2020, your first full year would be 2021 so your first income declaration would be in Mai 2022.

    There's loads of other stuff but the biggest single thing to consider is, if you are of UK pension age, establish yourself in France before the 31/12/2020.

    #45 thebiglad, Jul 11, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
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  6. And there are a million other things to consider too. In my opinion the most important thing is to get here this year if you can and establish a presence.
    The many Brits who have come here and lived under the radar for years are now going to find life a bit more difficult.
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  7. 26170. Provence since 2000. The sun is shining, music playing, market in full swing. Chez max for lunch. Too hot for the bike today, maybe this evening. Life's hard, French admin? Biggest civil service per capita in Europe. Most important speak the language! Boots on the ground, learn the Gallic shrug Welcome.
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  8. Yes ( hi there Bob)

    @ fight the streets

    Get here asap. My move was brought forward due to Brexit...deep pockets may be required to make the move in the future as a non EU country..
    Registering vehicles.
    I registered my GS here as it was nearly new and I really like the motorcycle. Under a year old and you will be hit again for vat. Bit of a faff, but if I could manage with basic French..
    EU conformance cert required. Get this from the manufacturer. I got ripped off for around £120. Never seen again and I reported the company, for what it is worth. Then aquired the cert from BMW UK. Do this before you get here to save time.
    Right hand drive car? I would not bother. Toll booths car parks etc a pain. Maybe budget for a new car. Second hand prices for vehicles that have been to Mars and back several times are a bit steep.
    Under retirement age? Difficult to get Carte Vitale. I started a micro enterprise, gardening and small building works. If this might be you, think about how close your work needs to be. I look after several holiday homes now. Mix of Brits, Dutch, Belgians. BUT by being a Micro Entrepreneur, we automatically get Carte Vitale.
    I have a temp Carte de Sejour. A new system is in place, all delayed due to covid and Brexit. 5 years then go for citizenship.
    You can go online and work out if your income clears the required threshold. It is not automatic..

    Location, location, location.
    Its good to have some friends and neighbours, get to know your French neighbours. I currently have several thousand Euros worth of scaffold on my house. Price? Some good whiskey and a few bottles good red wine.
    Make sure it is where you want to be. Learn some French if you dont know any, start now. A steep learning curve if you were CSE 15% results failure at school o_O:astonished:
    Check the climate. Sounds silly but it varies hugely, esp the winters.

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