916 Bar Risers Anyone?

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Gregbenn, Jul 11, 2020.

  1. Just had to admit I'm getting older - this was the first time in 5 years I thought my wrists can't take this anymore! Anyway just fitted some China special 1 inch risers and apart from relocating the fluid res it was easy. Let you know how it feels tomorrow as drank 3 beers doing it. Good mod or tacky shite? You decide

  2. You’re only 42 man!!
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  3. I've got a set of them on my 900ie(china specials) and made a great difference in comfort and like you say you have to make room for reservoirs.:upyeah:
  4. If they make it better for you why not, I've thought about them myself, I'm 68 in a couple of months, might drop a few hints for my 70th. ;)
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    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. Yes, there you go. 70 is the new 40 :upyeah::upyeah:
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  6. Any riding one of these deserves a medal!!
  8. I fitted bar risers to my 998. Don’t think it made much difference tbh. What I did find was by lowering the rear sets and moving them back a bit, this made a massive difference. But obviously you’d need after market rear sets to do this.
  9. I just swapped the right and left bar fitting over. I am 76 and after suffering a shattered shoulder I did this swap after reading about it on this forum some years ago. I can't ride my Monster but the 748 is perfect.
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  10. I fitted risers to my 916. They're not a lot higher, maybe an inch? (can't go much more or you hit the fairing) and they also have adjustable angle which can help but the biggest benefit IMO is that the bars are longer meaning I sit with my arms further apart, this being both more comfortable and more in control.
  11. I've got these on my 1098 and 748

  12. I fitted these ones, DP kit 20161012_134613.jpg
  13. Another view 20180101_210505.jpg
  14. The method I suggested in post #9 above has various advantages.
    First it costs nothing and can be quickly changed back if you don't like it.
    It is invisible. No one has noticed it in the 5 years since I did it but you get about 1 1/2" rise at the grips.
    It doesn't interfere with the fairing or anything else.
    Try it.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. Like you say its free and worth a try. I did it but I could not get comfy with it. It felt like my wrists were twisted inwards. I persevered for a while but it never felt right to me. It was like riding a bike with cowhorn handlebars.
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