My Ducatis keep my spanner hands twirling enough as it is without adding another mechanical mess to the stable, but she has her heart set on a Mini. Well, either that or a Fiat 500, but I will also be a named driver and I ain't getting in no Fiat 500, fool.
Oh boot struts I just had to replace mine Before you start it up prime the fuel pump then start they do over fuel then won’t start
SWMBO has had 4 mini coopers in recent fact she’s only just sold the last one 2 weeks ago as it wasn’t getting used. Apart from replacing tyres and brake pads she’s had no bother with them at all
She has touched my wood and that is why I am buying her a car Joking - I am putting a few quid in as a birthday pressie, but it's mostly her money
That's a definite plus point, but I doubt it will outdo "Carla", my S4 special, which shoots a foot long blue flame out of her 2.5" bore end can on the overrun and makes a series of bangs which are louder and much deeper than a shotgun blast. True story - I specifically avoid riding her to the girlf's place in SE London, especially at night, in case someone thinks it's gunfire and sends SO19 after me It is fun going through the Blackwall Tunnel though, and it is a 100% effective cure for tailgaters