
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by outintheopen, Jul 5, 2020.

  1. The mothership :joy: The bugs loved it
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  2. or was it the angry cunt and wasps wernt even mentioned? i forget, i was a lil pissed most of the time
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Last summer we had a colony forming in between the walls of our screen porch. I noticed them flying in through a corner of a screen frame about 20 feet up from the ground. When I put my ear up to the wall from the inside I could hear humming. When I pounded on the wall it got loud and they came flying out of the entrance angry. I called a professional. He took care of the problem. He said since we have cedar tongue and groove on the inside, they luckily for us, wouldn't have been able to chew through it. Sheetrock would have been different. The workers die off around September but the queens can winter over and pick up where they left off.
    Then a few weeks later we found a nest in one of our crab apple trees the size of a large cabbage. I drove up to it during the night and sprayed it with insecticide. A day later I opened it up (see pic).
    I've heard of people collecting nests for indoor decoration not realizing the queens can winter over and in the spring they get a big surprise:eek:!
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  4. Great pic!
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  5. a easy and cheap way to kill off a nest is to use some cheap ant powder from the pound shop. puff the powder around where they are entering the nest just after dark leave for 24hrs and the nest will be dead. it only takes a few of them to enter the nest with the powder on them and its game over
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  6. If the nest is not too big you can just bag it up at night and chuck it in the freezer to kill them off.
    We have loads of paper wasps in our garden and they are quite placid really, been stung a few times tho "discovering" them. I am ok but my wife reacts a bit. Recently she got stung three times right on the upper, inner, thigh. She just tore her dress off in the garden. I told her I was not keen to suck the poison out!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  7. "upper inner thigh" - overall Forum censor opinion:- "it's a pass". :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. Reminds me of the Aussie joke
    Bummer !
  9. [​IMG]


    mimicking it's own eyes. Everyone celebrates the wheel in it's simplicity, would be nice to hear more praise for the "hexagon".
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  10. Saturn sneers at your puny hexagons.
  11. Thanks for that link Loz.^

    Columnar basalt that's always in the media:

    #52 Chris, Jul 7, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
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  12. Pics or it didn't happen! Thigh sucking? Hmm I'm going to mull that over. LOL
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I belive Buckminster Fuller from usa did a great job.
  14. I got stung by a bee yesterday.

    £20 for a jar of honey!
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  15. Wasps are twats.
    A few years ago, I was bimbling through Holmfirth, when all of a sudden I had a very sharp pain in my nether regions. As I was riding along a wasp had hit my chest, fallen into my crotch and then stung me on my right testicle, through my Kevlar reinforced jeans.
    We got to the Oilcan cafe and my friends wife said that I needed to douse the area with vinegar, so off to the toilets with the vinegar from the table for a good soaking. We had a cuppa and then set off for home, all the way home things were getting very uncomfortable, swelling in the trouser department, but not in a good way and not my nuts. When I got home and undressed it was obvious I had a serious problem. If you google angry elephant seal, then imagine it bright red, it’ll give you an idea of the extent of the problem. My wife got home shortly after me, to find me sat with a bag of peas on the affected area and upon inspecting it said I had to go to A & E.
    I entered the walk in centre like John Wayne, up to the counter and told them I had been stung in my ‘private gentleman’s area’. There was giggling and then the doctor approached me pulling on the rubber gloves. I ended up on antihistamines and antibiotics.
    It took three days for ‘Moby’ to regain his magnificence. (Moby ‘cos if you put glasses on him he looks like the multi award winning DJ Moby).
    Wasps are twats.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  16. I’ve found the nest, right outside the sitting room window.
    Have been jabbing it with a telescopic pole then sprinting away like a scared little kid making appropriate noises just to re-enforce the image.
    They are proper pissed off now and are flying into the glass.
    Yet again, me 1 - wasps 0

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  17. Are you sure your jeans have Kevlar? Sounds like a load of ball locks to me! LOL.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. I recently got stung by a wasp on my index finger. I was in B&Q picking up a bag of compost.
    It fell to the floor and I was quite surprised at the size of it. It was a big fat fucker of a wasp. I must have injured it as I yanked my hand away when it stung me. The little bastard. Of course I ended it’s life right there with an enthusiastic stamp of my right foot. Ha!
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  19. Testicle story for the win!:joy::joy::joy:
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