So I took the Panigale R out of the garage today for a little spin around the block, it’s not been on the road since September last year, all went well for the first 10 minutes.... Stopping at one of my favourite places for a another quick photo and as coming down the box it wouldn’t change down from 4th, anyway coasted to a halt switched off and took the photo.... Started it back up and managed to get down to neutral and selected 1st with a bit of resistance, set off up the box to 4th and then had to come back down a couple for a sharp bend, however no down shift with either quick shift or clutch. Pulled over again and couldn’t get it out of 4th! After a good 10-15 minutes of head scratching and trying to get it to select another gear, it wasn’t having it. I was facing down hill so thought I’d try see if it would move out of 4th, sure enough it went down to 3rd and I thought best turn round and see if I could limp home with a bit of clutch slip. After about 2 miles gearbox started to shift up and down again, however just when I thought it was ok, it got stuck in 3rd again! Managed to get home, left it in the garage for an hour or so....kicked the cat...swore at Mrs Tyke for a bit and then went back in to have a look at it. Sure enough it went back to neutral easy and goes all the way back up and down the gears! Not sure what’s gone on here and a little reluctant to take it back out on the road. Any thoughts boys?? Matt
No fasteners backing out of the linkages and fouling on the chassis, limiting lever throw? (i had this once).
Nope nothing visual, I think it’s got to be something to do with it been stood for a few months. No clutch drag either
I was going to mention clutch. Upshifts don't need the clutch but downshifts can do (depending on your skill level and bike). I would have a playon my drive. See if you can shift up to top and then back down to neutral just on the clutch. You might need to roll backwards and forwards a few feet but see if it can be done. I think that it may be a clutch issue rather than the gearbox.
Yeah it seems ok on the drive now its cooled down, been all the way up and down, 1st is a bit baulky. And tbh I’ve started the bike every few days while it’s been stood but not used the clutch/gears Reminds me during the miners strike (showing my age now!) my mate had a car stood for a good few months, kept starting it up but once he tried to put it back on the road it’s was clutchless!
I was going to mention gear lever linkage. If it’s a bit loose, or it’s a while since you rode it and the angle isn’t quite right, that could make gear changes tough when riding but ok when stationary.
Gear linkage seems ok and as it should be, I’m more concerned it might be something more onerous!? I’ll have try another ride tomorrow as it’s damp and wet here today!
I cannot comment on the gearbox issue, hope is not something major. However, starting the bike up every couple of days or even once a week is not a good practice. Engine and gearbox will never warm up properly resulting in condensation=oxidation here and there, hence you can see milkish oil on bikes ridden for short distances or started up in the garage. Best you can do is add some fuel stabilizer on the last ride, then turn the engine once a month. (engage 6th gear and slowly spin the rear wheel by hand, you should feel the engine going past TDC)
So bled the clutch today and there was a bit of air in there, quick 30 minute ride up the road and all seems fine now.....phew and fingers crossed! Thanks for the reply’s guys