Some guy I know witnessed the incident ( @BOYADEE on Twitter ) and said exactly the same. He hasn't been heard of since yesterday so I expect he's being interviewed, you can see all the reporters trying to contact him on his timeline
Thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the victim of this horrendous crime. Its not a religion thing this is about two misguided fuck wits with Kenyan family lines who happily take what the UK foolishly gave them, Chose to read twisted extremist propaganda produced in the name of Islam and conveniently packaged it all up under the banner of the UK continuing to kill their "brothers" in Iraq ? and Afghanistan. However much it is repulsive to many, the actions of these two cannot be placed under the banner of Islam or Muslim, despite their saying so, they are extremists who are a totally different breed altogether, in the same class as Hitler, Pol pot, Mussolini Stalin and the like. The liberal politics of the UK is a whole different subject and yes i do believe the UK has become a refuge for many lazy piss takers because they have been allowed to get away with it for so long. As far as these two cowardly shits go, I would like them to suffer an extremely slow agonising and highly painful death going to martyrdom fully understanding the pain they caused to others.
I might be being a bit controversial by saying this, but I think the world would be a better place if there was no such thing as religion, if you look at most of the wars and killings around the world both past and present they boil down to different religious beliefs. I think religion gives people something to hope for after they die but 21st century science blows such theories out of the water. In the end we all end up as dust and that is that!.
One other sick twist to all this is that despite taking place in broad daylight, in the face of many witnesses, CCTV cameras,social media and mobile phone footage, The two officers who shot the assailants will now have the stressful time of being examined by the IPCC investigation into their actions. This instead of being properly de briefed and supported.
Good old google ads.... At least these twats stayed around to be caught unlike those other cowards who place pipe bombs and semtex in crowded shopping centres and walk off laughing to press the button
Funny you should say that. We have a vote coming up (another of our referenda) in a couple of weeks on changes to the asylum law. There was a debate on TV about it last night. Biggest asylum seekers are Eritreans, and Nigerians. So yes, Switzerland accepts proportionally large numbers of non-Europeans, particularly Africans, of which most don't appear to be real asylum seekers at all but economic migrants (particularly if the economy involves drug-dealing). So yes, we do have to live among them, increasingly. Indeed, Lausanne (an Oxford-sized city) now has all sorts of places you don't want to go much, with Africans hanging out trying to sell you cocaine, and their cronies looking out for the police. It wasn't like that 20 years ago. Geneva is a multicultural botch-potch where English is increasingly the lingua franca. Then there is the migrant crime from France, where people (often of North African origin) pop over the border from Lyon or Dijon, to do a spot of burglary. Our shop was burgled 3 days ago by 5 blokes from Marseille. Immigration is increasing all over Europe, and the crime that goes with it. We haven't had any jihadists here, yet, but it's surely only a matter of time. On the other hand, Switzerland hasn't shot or bombed anyone recently.
I may be proved wrong, but I doubt if this was really a religeous incident..........more likely a couple of head cases..... ...the killer that talked to the camera said ".....tell them to bring our troops back"........ that's a major slip of the tongue for a Muslim fundamentalist. However in the back of my mind, there are still the words of Elmore James; sorry, Enoch Powell.......and I think now that this has happened it will occur more. The issue being 'culture' rather than religion. Poor s*d.......The last thing you would expect on the streets of the UK twenty years ago....or maybe not.....Constable Blakelock for example. AL
That's what I like about the Swiss, there's a hotel we pass in Zermatt with a big 1942 sign on the wall. While the rest of Europe was conducting mayhem and carnage, the Swiss were building ski hotels.
Exactly. In the 70s it was mainly nutty Irishman making people's lives a misery. Now you've got nutty Jihadists. There will probably always be homicidal nutters around, and some of them will claim some sort of creed to justify their barbarism. London is a big place with a lot of people. It would be surprising out of the millions who live there that there weren't a few homicidal jihadist maniacs about.
Two thoughts. 1. If the perpetrators are found to be raving lunatics, as seems quite likely, they may not be fit to plead or be tried and may end up not in prison but in Broadmoor. 2. The most worrying question is: Why did the police take 30 minutes to respond to a murderous attack in the middle of Woolwich in broad daylight near an army barracks with many witnesses? The perpetrators could have murdered several other people by the time the police eventually turned up, or made good their escape. The Met appear to have blundered badly.
Wot's this? Conspiracy theory just below the surface?? Nah.....SCO19 aren't exactly on the doorstep, although they have bases all round the city.......Other un-armed officers were there earlier. AL
Pete, you know as well as anyone who watches the news how stretched the modern police service is. It was lucky they had anyone able to respond! As for times, a met official has stated it was 20 minutes from the first call, which would have gone to the local plod, then 14 minutes from the first report of a firearm, which firearms officers would've been sent to. If we want and expect faster response times then we all need to pay more tax so the Gov can employ more coppers! Or we can sit back and watch them slash the Military and Police until we'll have no one to defend us? Apologies for the slight drift off topic there....
Ain't that the truth. The poor buggers will be investigated and grilled uphill and down dale for just doing their job. I for one as a member of the public thank them and have no need for further explanation. They will undoubtedly feel a lot of pressure over the next year or so whilst these two evil criminals will languish in prison demanding their rights and being looked after well by the system. And if a Prison Officer so much as looks at them sideways or says something they don't like they will complain and that Officer will be investigated and grilled in the same way.
1. Why would it matter if they end up in Broadmoor rather than Dartmoor? So long as they are locked up, who cares? Broadmoor's not exactly a holiday camp. 2, As has been mentioned, the 30 mins you mention (which I had heard were 20 mins) were for the firearm squad to show up, not the police. If you are unarmed and you're dealing with two large and muscular guys with blood all over them and meat cleavers, knives and a gun - what exactly are you meant to do? They weren't threatening anyone else. Yes, they could have murdered other people. So what do you want, armed police on every street corner? You can't have it all ways.