V4 Track Tyres

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by Philm, Jul 22, 2020.

  1. What size tyres are you guys using on track on the v4? I’m having a nightmare finding Pirelli sc tyres in 200/60/17 ! Unless I pay over 400 notes for v3s! Not happening!! Wondered if anyone’s using the 200/55/17? And if so dyo have to recalibrate for them? Sorry this is probably in the wrong place!!
  2. I’m running KR108’s 195 section. If you’re not swapping like for like, yes, you’ll need to recalibrate.
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  3. KR's are the dogs dangling bits
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Thanks guys! Yes I’ve used krs many times! Great tyres! Unless it’s lap one in a race and you havnt quite got the heat in them as you go down craners! Don’t ask me how I know!!
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  5. I’ve used a few sets of V02’s which work well, but had a KR108 5 on the back as I’d like to get a bit more life out of them and save some money! Can definitely tell there’s less grip which was expected, but hopefully get 4 or 5 days out of a rear.
  6. A 5 compound yes. They last yonks and give pretty decent grip. A 2 or 3compound and you can get very cheeky with the gas. But you’ll soon be off back to the tyre wagon. With your wallet :sob:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. I run the vo2s on the R1,I find them no different to the dunlops to be honest and cheaper! I raced for years on dunlops ,the good old days when I used to phone mr moody(pat Walsh) at Dunlop and get a set for 200 notes ! He’d ask what circuit and when and send the appropriate compound! When they were silly numbers! 8873 etc ! Then one day they just shot up in price and when I phoned him he just told me to bugger off and get em from Dennis trollop!! Proper charming! After the big off at craners I never went back!
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  8. Yeah tell me about it, I’ll happily sacrifice a bit of grip for another 2 days of use though, that way I can afford more trackdays!!
    Currently doing 20ish a year so will hopefully save me a fair amount of cash
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  9. KR’s are outrageous although they’re heavily priced. You have to be careful with them in the U.K. as well as they’re absolutely useless if they drop off temps

    Pirelli’s don’t last and I find the front gives very little warning although they offer arguably the most grip for 10/15 laps.

    bridgestones for me (vo2’s) are the best balanced decision
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  10. Well after my second day on the KR108 on the rear it's only got 1 more left in it, so looks like they won't be saving me any money! Probably back to V02's!
  11. I’d be happy with 3 days! What compound is it?
  12. Like riding on marbles when they're cold.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. It's a 5 so the endurance compound!
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  14. I think the Dunlops are very temperature sensitive so could well be the wrong compound. I know Donington is harder than Cadwell on tyres as well so we always ran a softer compound at Cadwell .
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  15. absolutely bud! Although in my defence I kept putting the kettle on making tea for the hour before the race and don’t think the Genny could handle it ! Warm up lap felt great then boosh!! Easiest way to break two arms and a leg!!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I use SC1 front, VO2 rear on the RSV4. Works well for me.

    I’ve used some 200/60 SCO rears which were ace but only lasted a day at a stretch. Needs to be a hot day for those too
  17. Hi all, full disclosure: I run a motorcycle tyre shop called Two Tyres.

    Some good advice in this thread. I just want to say that the Pirellis are the most popular, followed by the Bridgestones.

    However as you said, prices and availability are all over the place at the moment. The best deals are on the Bridgestones

    ...and yep, I wouldn't fancy the left at Craners on a mildly warm Dunlop!
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  18. On anything other than a hot day I wouldn't be using KR's personally. And if you're not quick enough to keep heat in the front, I'd definitely avoid. If you can adhere to the above, they're arguably the best tyre on the market, but for the aforementioned reasons.. often not ideal in the uk.

    Pirelli's have improved their longevity for sure, but they're expensive and fall off a cliff in performance after 10-20 laps. Arguably they're the grippiest tyre out of the box but as said, they drop off considerably thereafter. The difference between how long the SC1 and 2 last is minimal from my experience, to the point that I was racing on SC1's instead as they offered better performance straight out of the box at the start of the race.

    If I had the choice, I'd race on bridgestones over Pirelli's or Metz everytime (most racers I've spoken to agree). But sadly Pirelli have a strong hold on the race championships. Every crash I've ever had has been on a pirelli front. I don't find they give much warning personally
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  19. I used kr’s for a while when racing a few years ago, but when I switched back to track days mainly over in Spain I started using bridgestones V02’s, grip is excellent and they last well, plus the prices were a lot better from fwr especially if you were buying a few pairs at a time. Also I went down to a 600 and started using Bridgestone r11’s another excellent tyre
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. That made me chuckle, I remember having a few conversations with him as well. I last raced in 2012 thundersport 600. Strange old goat
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